Sunday, May 17, 2020
Symptoms And Treatment Of Hiv - 1493 Words
There have been 30 drugs approved to treat Hiv, but currently there are no cures for this virus. Treatments for HIV can help people live with the virus while taking care of their physical, mental health, and overall well being. Starting treatment as soon as possible it can also help your health circumstances and strengthen your immune system. Getting tested for HIV is very important to decrease the spread of the virus and save many lives. Getting tested to know your status in order to avoid illnesses is important. The growth of new infections continues to pose serious health problems/risk. Today in America there are 1.25 million people who are infected with HIV. Out of the 1.25 million people, twenty percent of them are unaware of their HIV status. In the event of the possibility of exposure or contamination of HIV it is smart to get tested regularly to not infect others or get early treatment. You can reduce your risk by getting tested often. Early detection can lead to a better treatment and a greater outcome for a longer life expectancy. You should get tested if never got tested before. The centers of disease control and prevention recommends that you should get tested at least once a year if you participate in activities that can cause HIV infection. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is an infection. Many infections may cause the body to be chilly and stay in the body just for a few days. On the other hand, HIV will never go away. When an individualShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Hiv / Aids1531 Words  | 7 PagesHuman immunodeficiency virus, also referred to as HIV, is a virus that weakens the body’s immune system which restricts it from fighting infectious diseases (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2016). HIV can be transmitted through body fluids such as blood, semen, breast milk, or sexual contact (CDC, 2016). There are three stages as HIV progresses; the first stage takes place within the first month it is acquired. These early symptoms are often confused with a cold as they include fatigueRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Hiv / Aids1789 Words  | 8 PagesTHESIS: Those diagnosed with HIV encounter a litany of complications other than a physical issue, many suffer from mental health illnesses. Many diagnosed with HIV deny the fact that they have this physical issue, resulting in insane mental health. Under the coping section, UCSF leans towards the emotional response to accepting the fact of carrying HIV. Dealing with HIV provides stress and disturbia towards being active, and seeking help. â€Å"Worldwide, 34 million people are HIV positive, 23.8 million orRead MoreThe Disease Hiv / Aids964 Words  | 4 PagesMs.Bertelsen Biology (honors)Period 6 3/24/17 The Disease HIV/AIDS The disease HIV first appeared in Africa in the 1800’s. It originated from a chimpanzee and was likely transmitted to humans when the chimpanzee was hunted down for food and the hunters came into contact with the infected blood. The disease became an epidemic around the 1970’s and has since affected the lives of many people worldwide (, what is HIV/AIDS). HIV is also known as human immunodeficiency virus and it is aRead MoreAIDS Essay examples1537 Words  | 7 Pagesdisease derived from the virus known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The immune system gets broken down when someone has AIDS and it is basically the highest form of HIV. When a person has HIV, the CD4 cells get infected and start to deteriorate and once the CD4 count is below 200, the person is considered to have AIDS rather than HIV (â€Å"Living†, 2005). Not many people know that AIDS is extremely prevalent in the world because it is not spoken about in society as much as it used to be when it firstRead MoreHiv / Aids And Its Effects On Society1500 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), and is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. AIDS HIV/AIDS deteriorates a person s ability to fight infections. It can be transmitted through direct contact of a mucous member or t he bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid and breast milk and through unprotected sex and needle sharing. An HIV test checks finding. Medications mayRead MoreHiv And The Human Body1175 Words  | 5 PagesStates alone, 1.1 million people are living with HIV. Additional people become sick, but people continue to spread the virus to others. Do people even know what HIV is? Do they know what this virus does to their body? Such questions make it necessary to examine what can be done. What is HIV; how do people get HIV; and what is being done to help them? HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Humans are the only beings that can get this infection. The HIV infection can find and attack a significantRead MoreHiv And Human Immunodeficiency Virus1250 Words  | 5 Pagesreferred to as HIV, came to the forefront of disease research in the 1980s as the disease began to spread throughout the world, eventually reaching pandemic status. HIV is a viral disease that targets the body’s immune system, and can potentially lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS. Currently there is no cure for HIV; however, there are treatments available that prolong the lives of the infected individuals and are successful in controlling the disease. Research for HIV is ongoing, andRead MoreAcute Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) Infection1579 Words  | 7 PagesAcute Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection is the small period of time after a person has been exposed to HIV and before they have seroconverted. Seroconversion is th e process in which the body starts to create antibodies to fight the HIV virus (Pietrangelo, 2013). During this period of time, which is usually a few days, the virus replicates rapidly. The rapid replication results in extremely high amounts of HIV in the blood because the body has not had time to respond to the infection. AsRead MoreHiv / Aids : The Virus And Its Effect On Human1547 Words  | 7 Pages HIV/AIDS: The Virus and Its Effect on Human Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), and is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. AIDS HIV/AIDS deteriorates a person s ability to fight infections. It is contracted through unprotected sex or needle sharing. An HIV test checks finding. Medications may subdue the virus and delay the onset of AIDS. HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source clear-sightednessRead MoreHIV and Aids are something that have been a major problem in a large part of the world for many1400 Words  | 6 PagesHIV and Aids are something that have been a major problem in a large part of the world for many years. These viruses have destroyed many families and have taken many people’s lives. There are many different ways for a person to receive the virus. As of today, there is still no cure for these horrible diseases. Until scientists and doctors are able to find a medicine that can cure them, many people will continue to be affected by these diseases. This research paper will break down each virus
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis Of Women s Rights Essay - 1272 Words
Rhetorical Analysis Women’s rights were not always a part of society as it may seem in today’s world. Suffrage can date all the way back to 1776. Women had to fight for their rights and privileges, hard and for many years. In the late 1800’s women were seen as much less than a male and had no voice. Women were arrested, prosecuted and put down for wanting more freedom and power for their gender. As you see in many suffrage ads, women were desperate and wanted so badly the same equality as men. A few women in particular stood up for what they believed was right and fought hard. Although it took far too long and over 100 years, in 1920 women were finally given the opportunity to share the same voting rights as men. History had been made. Many women were pushing for full equality, but some agreed to settle for voting. This was a clear step back and damper on work previous women had made. If all women were not in support of the right to vote, how would they ever succeed? Anti suffrage ads began to appear everywhere. Men and surprisingly, women were not all in support of women having the right to vote. The ads were degrading towards women and were starting to appear worldwide as this was not just an issue seen in the United States. In 1890 the National American Women’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was created and a worldwide campaign for women’s suffrage was born. In the first ad I viewed, was the image of a suffragette laying in bed while ordering herShow MoreRelatedThe Psychology Of The Social Injustice Of Women937 Words  | 4 Pageswhat they will do with the patient. Different types of writings include books, journals, notes, evaluations/analyses, and tests/assessments. Books and Journals Writing in psychology can range from an analysis, journals, or books. Many psychologists write pieces along the lines of an evaluation or analysis of a patient; meetings are confidential, meaning that psychologists cannot share content about the patient. In psychology, one can write about an example, or elaborate on the information one has foundRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Am By Assata Shakur960 Words  | 4 Pages2017 Rhetorical Analysis of â€Å"To My People†by Assata Shakur During the 70s, the fight for equal rights and Black power was a ravaging fight. Famous protesters such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Assata Shakur. In particular, Assata Shakur was a leader of the Black Power Movement (BPM). Through her struggles, Shakur educates her audience, this is written on a blog but spoken out loud at the time, on how there is racial bias and injustice. By applying a wide range of rhetorical devicesRead MoreAnalyzing The New Techniques I Have Learned As A College Student Writer960 Words  | 4 Pagesassignments are about, or what they consist of. This brief description is to help you understand, and it is brief because I don t want to overwrite and confuse you or anything. The first paper we wrote in class was the Language Analysis. I wrote in class was the Language Analysis. The paper depended on particular dialect we address to our family and companions and how our dialect functions, how it influences our propensities and schedules, how it comprehends reality in its own particular manner, andRead MoreMaking A Change : Margaret Sanger1713 Words  | 7 PagesChange: Margaret Sanger’s 1925 Speech Margaret Sanger’s, The Children’s Era, exudes knowledge on how contraceptives and birth-control will create a better world for the children. This paper conducts a Neo-Aristotelian analysis of Margaret Sanger’s 1925 speech. It contributes to rhetorical theory by advancing knowledge of how rhetors create a consensus on the use of birth-control and contraceptives. The paper proceeds first by establishing the context of the speech, which will include the target audienceRead MorePhotos Of Women Working 100 Years Ago1669 Words  | 7 PagesThe image I’ve chosen for the purpose of this essay comes from The Huffington Post, in an article called, â€Å"19 Photos Of Women Working 100 Years Ago.†It is presented entirely in grayscale, which is most probably because of the lack of color imaging systems in that time period rather than exuding an artistic effect. This image takes place in an aircraft factory in 1917, according to the article. The background a nd foreground are very clearly distinguishable. The woman who is clearly in focus is workingRead MoreThe Body Language Of The Speaker, And The Emotion930 Words  | 4 Pageswords, the body language of the speaker, and the emotion we feel by speaker s different tone. On September 20, 2014. Emma Watson, a famous movie actress known for her movie series, Harry Potter, launched a speech at the United Nations called,HeForShe. In her speech she was using audience appeals, repetition, diction to argue the reality of the gender inequality that still existed and call for actions taken by men and women together. The definition of audience appeal is the quality of beingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis on Heidi Klum’s Carl’s Jr. Commercial1109 Words  | 5 PagesMargaret, Carl started off with a few hot dog carts that eventually grew into a drive-in restaurant where they decided to sale burgers. Throughout the years Carl’s Jr. continued to expand as it opened over 1,000 restaurants in fifty years. In the Late 1990’s the company started to notice the decrease in sales so they turned to their advertisement to get sales back up. Reaching out and advertising sexy models and celebrities like Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Jenny Mccarthy and Heidi Klum just to name a fewRead MoreThe Video Of Obama s 2008 Election Speech952 Words  | 4 PagesCould Smell like this commercial first aired right before the 2010 Super bowl, and ended up going viral. In fact, it became so popular that it ended up gaining more YouTube views than the video of Obama s 2008 election speech within the first 24 hours of their postings. Additionally, since the release of the commercial, there has been a 300% increase in traffic to the Old Spice website, and Old Spice now has the most viewed sponsored YouTube channel. 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She entered the primaries for the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 1972. Chisholm purpose is to fight for equal rights for all citizens, most specifically women. She wants to help as an advocate by providing more
Wireless Communication Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Acces
Questions: 1. Compare and contrast three data encryption standards for WiMAX networks?2. Research the security challenges for any two examples of WPAN technologies. Answers: 1.Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) IEEE 802.16 standard based wireless communication family who is capable of allotting multiple physical (PHY) layers and options like Media Access Control (MAC). The three major encryptions available in WiMAX are AES-CTR, AES-CBC, and AES-CCM (Fahrny, 2016). AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) in CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode is one of the most used ones where the data goes through AES. The feedback is then applied to the original signal so that the same encryption is not obtained after every step hence making it harder to decode it (Zhou et al., 2015). The data is processed in chunks of that have a definite block size which is the function of the AES (e.g. 128-bit block). The synchronization should exist between the coder and decoder else the messages will be illegible. AES in CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC) is a universal authenticate and encrypt block ciphering process and can be used only for 128-bit chunks. For the process of authentication, the authentication field is computed using CBC-MAC. The performance of CBC depends solely on the speed of the cipher implementation (Arnold Dames Marik, 2016). The encryption and authentication require two basic encryption operations, and the addition of the additional blocks requires additional time. AES in CTR (Counter) is the most used of all the encryption modules, and many applications are made secure using this mode. The CTR modes use the counter in contrast to the IV (Initialization Vector) that is used in the other modes. The counter used in this case is modified to serve the purpose of encryption and hence contains a nonce and counter block (Zhou et al., 2015). Padding is not required for the plain text for the block size of the cipher. AES in CBC AES in CCM AES in CTR Has initialization vector (IV), hence requires randomness each time encryption is done The combination of CBC-MAC and counter mode. This mode authenticates and then encrypts Simple to implement and the creation of pseudo-random streams is independent of plain texts Changing a part of message requires re-encryption Requires two blocks of operation of encryption The pseudo-random streams are generated from the nonce by counting up. Error in transmission totally destroys information The Same key can be used for both encryption and the counter Maximum length of messages is ensured to prevent the overlap Transmission also affects the decryption of the subsequent block Transmission error is less severe compared to the other two Effect of transmission errors is concentrated to the wrong bits only Encryption is serial, but the decryption can be parallelized Parallelized encryption and decryption Both the encryption and decryption is parallelized. Table1: Comparison Between the three encryption processes (Table Source: As created by author) 2. WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) is a short distance wireless network that is mainly used for the purpose of connecting the devices for personal usage. The devices that can be connected can be of wide range like PDA, Mobile phones, PCs, etc. There are various technologies that serve the purpose of WPAN (Latha Arockiasamy 2012); some of them are INSTEON, IrDA, Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc. Zigbee is a WPAN application which is based on IEEE 802.16 specifications, for high level communication using low power digital radio waves. Threats Impact Physical Attack Physical attacks are carried out by directly tampering device to gain access to the system. These types of attacks can prove detrimental to the security of the system. The devices that are connected continuously ping each other in an encrypted language which is hard to compromise. A person can access the device and set a serial interface that compromises the security. Key attacks The devices that are continuously communicating with each other use the encryption key for authentication. A remote attack that mimics the working of the ZigBee records the data that are being transferred which can be decrypted with advanced software thus compromising the security parameters of the device (Xiao et al., 2015). Replay or Injection Attacks In this attack, the malicious codes are sent over the network with the authentication packets that are recognized the device. Since the ZigBee modules are very lightweight and use the packets that are small in nature, these devices are prone to this type of attack. In this scenario, the packets are designed to look like they are from the authentic source. Once the data is received the program unpacks itself and compromises the network. Signal Jamming Signal jamming is easier in the case of ZigBee as the power used for transmission is very low hence a power low noise is capable of disrupting the services that are provided by the module. Table 2: The types of threats to the system and their impact (Table source: As created by author) Bluetooth is a standard developed for information interchange over a short distance. It operates in the range of 2402-2480 MHz for the transaction and is regulated but unlicensed. Threats Impact DOS DOS (Denial of Services), is an attack which stops the services that are provided by the wireless module. Signal jamming is an effective way of injecting noises into the system so that the devices that are connected to the system stop communicating with each other Bluejacking The Bluetooth user can transfer various data over a Bluetooth network. Bluejacking is sharing an infected file that can infect the user's phonebook and behave like a device that transmits the virus over to other phones that are connected to the specific device (Minar Tarique, 2012). Bluebugging It is a method of cracking the phone through Bluetooth hence enabling the hacker to access all the information available over the phone. The features like calling and sending the texts too can be controlled hence making this attack extremely effective way of creating a disaster Eavesdropping It is an advanced way of cracking the Bluetooth headset so that the data that are sent to the phone or is received by the headset can be deciphered for listening to the calls. Table 2: The types of threats to the system and their impact (Table source: As created by author) References Fahrny, J. W. (2016).U.S. Patent No. 9,332,320. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Arnold, T. W., Dames, E. A., Marik, M. D. (2016).U.S. Patent Application No. 15/096,372. Zhou, J., Ma, M., Feng, Y., Nguyen, T. N. (2015). A symmetric key-based pre-authentication protocol for secure handover in mobile WiMAX networks.The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-18. Latha, M., Arockiasamy, S. (2012). The Performance Evaluation of QoS in Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) on Impact of Bluetooth Worms.Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications,2(5), 111-116. Xiao, Y., Cao, J., Lai, X., Huang, Z., Zhang, B., Qin, Z., Song, Q. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 8,984,287. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Minar, N. B. N. I., Tarique, M. (2012). Bluetooth security threats and solutions: a survey.International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems,3(1), 127.
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