Sunday, December 29, 2019
The Ryan White Care Act Hiv / Aids Policy - 909 Words
The Ryan White Care Act: HIV/AIDS Policy When HIV/AIDS was first known in the United States, people who were affected were dying at a rapid rate as the disease was new to the medical community. There was no treatment and because of that the disease became highly publicized. At the time there were hatred for those who were considered gay. Those who came out and spoke openly about their HIV and AIDS were often being victimized. With the fear and homophobia from society, gay men and women took to the street to demand a government response to AIDS and were influenced to create a national movement. Although the â€Å"war on AIDS have contributed to the development of policies, one important aspect of the disease was the Ryan White Care Act that came about from a young men who at the age of 13 was diagnosed with AIDs through a blood transfusion. It was this movement that brought about much awareness that HIV/Aids can happen to anyone. He was the first teenager, the first with hemophiliac to have AIDS. At the time, there was no education or information on AIDS. Since, the life and struggle of Ryan White, there has been changes in helping those with the disease. His death has sparked a national outcry for those who suffers with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). His legacy has left behind for people to receive better care and live a longer life. Ryan’s effort and those who respond to the needs of the epidemic, has causedShow MoreRelatedNo One Left Behind ( Hiv / Aids )3059 Words  | 13 PagesNo One Left B ehind (HIV/AIDS) Imagine you are sick, afraid, enveloped in insecurity, not knowing what may lie ahead. It is in the darkest moments of a potentially fatal illness that we look to others for solace, we often turn to partners, family, friends, and our community. We rely on healthcare systems to provide medication, comfort, assistance and adequate treatment in order to assist in the recovery process, as well as to provide physical, and psychological well-being. What if the illness youRead MorePrevalence Of Hiv / Aids1525 Words  | 7 PagesPrevalence of HIV/AIDS in Ohio It was already stated that the HIV/AIDS epidemic impacts persons regardless of sex, age, race/ethnic group and/or geographic region in Ohio, but certain populations seem to be more impacted than others. There are 11, 544,225 people living in Ohio. 80% are white, 12% are black, 3% are Hispanic, and less than 2% are Asian. Each year in Ohio, about 1,000 people are diagnosed with HIV. In 2013, 1,180 people were diagnosed. Overall, there are almost 20,000 known to be livingRead MorePoverty With Hiv And Aids2242 Words  | 9 PagesDue to gaps in policy oversight, the percentage of minorities living with HIV and AIDS in the United States remains high. It has remained high due in part to policies that were implemented during the early 90’s, emblematically The Ryan White Care Act, along with in policy makers for their failure to recognize the special needs and factors that pertain to minority groups, specifically African Americans and Non-white Hispanics. The racial disparities tha t have historically plagued these minority groupsRead MorePolicy Paper : Choice Of Policy1452 Words  | 6 PagesPolicy Paper Choice of policy In the last two decades, there have been countless debates on the need to reform the United States of American health care system. The reform is to enable a more comprehensive system that will address pressing issues such as the growing number of uninsured American. The USA is one of the leading countries when in to healthcare and its systems. It is also the country with the most spending when it comes to healthcare. According to an article published in the commonwealthRead MorePolicies, Finance, Global Prevention Initiatives And Ethical Principles797 Words  | 4 PagesPolicies, Finance, Global Prevention Initiatives and Ethical Principles Implementation of the Ryan White CARE Act of 1990 assures, people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and their families access to quality treatments (Akukwe, 2001). On July 2010, President Obama announced the National HIV/AIDS Strategy to reduce HIV incidence, optimizing better health outcomes, and to reduce HIV-related instances (Department of Veterans Affairs National HIV/AIDSRead MoreEssay on Regulatory Agency1189 Words  | 5 Pagesstatement Office of Inspector General (OIG), the text reads that OIG will ensure that disseminated information meets the standards of quality set forth in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Health and Human Services (HHS) and OIG guidelines. OIG’s policy is to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information that it disseminates to the public. OIG strive to provide information that is accurate, reliable, clear, complete, unbiased, and useful. OIG i s committed toRead MorePrevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay1641 Words  | 7 Pagesindividuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS involve several factors as it relates to a chronic disease. According to Auslander Freedenthal in Gehlert Browne (2012), HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease that once diagnosed, requires adherence to complex and challenging treatment regimens. Prevention of this disease requires changes in behavior that would lead to the reduction of less risky sexual behaviors. Harm reduction is a particular treatment approach that is used with HIV/AIDS individuals. As stated byRead MoreThe History Of Hiv And Aids Essay2469 Words  | 10 PagesHistory of HIV and AIDS In the 1980s, a mysterious disease began to take the lives of Americans. With the cause unknown, a fear grew among Americans. An unusually high rate of people was becoming sick with strange and rare diseases. When experimental treatments failed to work, people died. This mysterious disease is what we now know as HIV–Human Immunodeficiency Virus. In the past thirty-five years, the HIV has taken many turns in history. Although we do not hear about HIV and AIDS now, it isRead MoreDelivering Health Care in America1726 Words  | 7 PagesMedicare Enrollment â€Å"Ringing in the New Year with New Health Care Benefits†Some of the most important provisions of the Affordable Care Act will take effect in 2011. Starting this year, the vast majority of people with Medicare will see several new benefits, including free annual wellness check-ups, recommended preventive services without cost-sharing and discounts on prescription drugs in the Medicare Part D â€Å"donut hole†(Sebelius, Health Care, 2011). In addition, new rules will hold insurance companiesRead MoreHiv And Its Effects On The Asian Population1657 Words  | 7 Pagesaged 13 years and older are living with HIV infection, including 156,300 (12.8%) who are unaware of their infection (CDC, 2014). The overall rate of infection still remains high, this increased rate is also seen in the Asian population. According to the CDC, between 2005 and 2014 the Asian population in the United States grew around 24%, more than three times as fast as the total U.S. population, and within this time period, the number of Asians receiving an HIV dia gnosis increased by nearly 70% (CDC
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Analysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou
In the poem â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†written by Maya Angelou, the poem is strong, it is about womanhood, the strength not the weakness that describes Maya Angelou. Although Maya Angelou is describing herself, she is in fact describing all women and is therefore a poem of feminism and the feminist perspective. The structure of this poem is loosely arranged into four stanzas. The idea of this poem is that physical beauty is not what makes a woman phenomenal but the way she has confidence in herself and her inner mystery. â€Å"Phenomenal†does not only mean â€Å"special†or â€Å"impressive†it means to be worthy of attention. This poem explains how to have inner self-confidence no matter what your appearance is. In â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†, the most important literary devices are imagery, metaphors, and tone with a first person point of view. The style Angelou uses is feminist criticism, feminist approach expressed in the stanzas through her phenomena , which is different from other woman. In her poem â€Å"Phenomenal Women†, Angelou effectively uses the literary devices to give reason to why she is phenomenal. The literary devices are powerful as it creates an awareness of not only her but of womanhood and the idea of being a strong black woman. Angelou’s poem â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†is a testament to why woman are revered even the face of gender inequality and with these specific literary devices she is able to effectively explain the reason she is phenomenal. To begin with, Angelou uses heavy imagery onlyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou2030 Words  | 9 PagesSummary of Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou Stanza 1: â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†begins with a attack on stereotypes. She proudly declares that she neither has a hourglass figure, nor a cute face. Her success without essential feminine traits surprises pretty women and they often want to know the secret of her success. She describes her secret saying that it comes from her confidence, the way she stretches her arms, the way she walks, the rhythm of her hips and also the way she smiles. Her entire body isRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou925 Words  | 4 PagesMaya Angelou, writer of, â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†illustrates that woman are as strong, determined, and beautiful just the way they are. We were built to fulfill the same roles as men and be able to achieve in anything what we set our minds to. We as woman should never let any man or significant other define us for who we are and the roles we play as young woman in the US. With this intention, women are born into the world and ar e taught to grow up to become a young, wise, and vibrant figure. Angelou’sRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou851 Words  | 4 Pagesof what makes an ideal woman; however, Maya Angelou shows us what truly makes a true Woman in her poem, â€Å"Phenomenal Woman.†The word, â€Å"Phenomenal†is defined as something that is magnificent, remarkable, breathtaking, as well as extraordinary. This poem shows one the confidence and beauty from within, instead of the conventional views that society tend to have, which is to only focus on the appearance. She takes us to acknowledge womanhood. One is able to appreciate the poem even further, by analyzingRead MorePhenomenal Woman Essays1223 Words  | 5 Pages Maya Angelou is best known for addressing the world through the medium of her own life. Her works are a reflection of the social issues that were prevalent in the second half of the 20th century. â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelou celebrates femininity and highlights the traits necessary for a woman to become ‘phenomenal.’ She believes that it is not the outer beauty of a person but the inner one which makes each woman phenomenal. She criticizes the biased societal expression that expects womenRead MoreMaya Angelou: Speak Up Essay example1127 Words  | 5 PagesMaya Angelou experienced a life-changing event at the vulnerable age of eight: her mother’s boyfriend raped her. As a result, she chose to be mute for five years due to the emotional trauma this caused. Soon, a family friend named Mrs. Flowers, a wealthy and intellectual woman from Stamps, Arkansas where her grandmother resided, read with Angelou and helped Maya to express herself through writing. Mrs. Flowers taught Maya â€Å"words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voiceRead MoreEssay about Poetry: Emotions in Words 1027 Words  | 5 Pagesof expression and emotions through words. It encompasses the writer’s mood and point of view about a certain idea. Two poems that demonstrate the use of emotions in words are â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelou, and â€Å"A Dream within a Dream†, by Edgar Allan Poe. Both of these poets are very important in the literary field even though their ways of writing contrast each other. Angelou is a revolutionist who is known around the world for her astounding stories of racism, family, and overcoming adversityRead MoreAnalysis Of Maya Angelou s Caged Bird 1835 Words  | 8 Pagesthe famous African American people. Growing up with my grandparents, I always heard a lot about the loving Dr. Maya Angelou. She was a tremendous figure in their lives and a phenomenal woman. One day my family was sitting outside, and my mom was reading a book with a lot of famous poems. The one she read aloud was Maya Angelou’s poem â€Å"Caged Bird.†She was so emotional reading this poem. During that time, I did not understand her emotions. At my high school, we would always celebrate black historyRead MoreMaya Angelo - Phenomenal Woman766 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ â€Å"Phenomenal Women†By Maya Angelo – Analysis In the poem â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelo expresses many viewpoints on the topic of women. She describes the many attributes of women throughout the poem. Many think that a slim and trim body or pretty faces are the many features of a true woman. But Angelo explains the small insignificant features of a woman that people or society never mention. She believes and convinces the reader that these are the marks of a woman. The poems central idea Analysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou Maya Angelou, writer of, â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†illustrates that woman are as strong, determined, and beautiful just the way they are. We were built to fulfill the same roles as men and be able to achieve in anything what we set our minds to. We as woman should never let any man or significant other define us for who we are and the roles we play as young woman in the US. With this intention, women are born into the world and are taught to grow up to become a young, wise, and vibrant figure. Angelou’s poem is an elegant portray of feminism, as well as a love letter to every woman. In today’s society, woman are also brought into a world of comparison and never being truly satisfied with themselves. In agreement, it’s hard not to compare ourselves towards other women and those who we admire the most, especially when it comes to portraying ourselves as a beautifully flawed person. Our flaws don’t have to define us, but do make up who we our as a woman and how we carry ourselves. One fact I find to be the most relevant within Angelou’s poem that â€Å"Men themselves have wondered what they see in me. They try so much, but they can’t touch my inner mystery.†(line 30-34) Equally important, women don’t necessarily crave immediate attention towards other men, but simply, they only want to be given credit for all the hard work they put themselves through and for what they are on the inside. â€Å"When I try to show them, they say they still can’t see.†Point often overlooked, that there are soShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou2030 Words  | 9 PagesSummary of Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou Stanza 1: â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†begins with a attack on stereotypes. She proudly declares that she neither has a hourglass figure, nor a cute face. Her success without essential feminine traits surprises pretty women and they often want to know the secret of her success. She describes her secret saying that it comes from her confidence, the way she stretches her arms, the way she walks, the rhythm of her hips and also the way she smiles. Her entire body isRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou1353 Words  | 6 PagesIn the poem â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†written by Maya Angelou, the poem is strong, it is about womanhood, the strength not the weakness that describes Maya Angelou. Although Maya Angelou is describing herself, she is in fact describing all women and is therefore a poem of feminism and the feminist perspective. The structure of this poem is loosely arranged into four stanzas. The idea of this poem is that physical beauty is not wh at makes a woman phenomenal but the way she has confidence in herself and herRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou851 Words  | 4 Pagesof what makes an ideal woman; however, Maya Angelou shows us what truly makes a true Woman in her poem, â€Å"Phenomenal Woman.†The word, â€Å"Phenomenal†is defined as something that is magnificent, remarkable, breathtaking, as well as extraordinary. This poem shows one the confidence and beauty from within, instead of the conventional views that society tend to have, which is to only focus on the appearance. She takes us to acknowledge womanhood. One is able to appreciate the poem even further, by analyzingRead MorePhenomenal Woman Essays1223 Words  | 5 Pages Maya Angelou is best known for addressing the world through the medium of her own life. Her works are a reflection of the social issues that were prevalent in the second half of the 20th century. â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelou celebrates femininity and highlights the traits necessary for a woman to become ‘phenomenal.’ She believes that it is not the outer beauty of a person but the inner one which makes each woman phenomenal. She criticizes the biased societal expression that expects womenRead MoreMaya Angelou: Speak Up Essay example1127 Words  | 5 PagesMaya Angelou experienced a life-changing event at the vulnerable age of eight: her mother’s boyfriend raped her. As a result, she chose to be mute for five years due to the emotional trauma this caused. Soon, a family friend named Mrs. Flowers, a wealthy and intellectual woman from Stamps, Arkansas where her grandmother resided, read with Angelou and helped Maya to express herself through writing. Mrs. Flowers taught Maya â€Å"words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voiceRead MoreEssay about Poetry: Emotions in Words 1027 Words  | 5 Pagesof expression and emotions through words. It encompasses the writer’s mood and point of view about a certain idea. Two poems that demonstrate the use of emotions in words are â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelou, and â€Å"A Dream within a Dream†, by Edgar Allan Poe. Both of these poets are very important in the literary field even though their ways of writing contrast each other. Angelou is a revolutionist who is known around the world for her astounding stories of racism, family, and overcoming adversityRead MoreAnalysis Of Maya Angelou s Caged Bird 1835 Words  | 8 Pagesthe famous African American people. Growing up with my grandparents, I always heard a lot about the loving Dr. Maya Angelou. She was a tremendous figure in their lives and a phenomenal woman. One day my family was sitting outside, and my mom was reading a book with a lot of famous poems. The one she read aloud was Maya Angelou’s poem â€Å"Caged Bird.†She was so emotional reading this poem. During that time, I did not understand her emotions. At my high school, we would always celebrate black historyRead MoreMaya Angelo - Phenomenal Woman766 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ â€Å"Phenomenal Women†By Maya Angelo – Analysis In the poem â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelo expresses many viewpoints on the topic of women. She describes the many attributes of women throughout the poem. Many think that a slim and trim body or pretty faces are the many features of a true woman. But Angelo explains the small insignificant features of a woman that people or society never mention. She believes and convinces the reader that these are the marks of a woman. The poems central idea
Friday, December 13, 2019
Hepatitis causes and effects Free Essays
Abstraction Hepatitis, one of the major incurable diseases, still exists presents jeopardizing many people ‘s lives. It has many types i.e. We will write a custom essay sample on Hepatitis causes and effects or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G. The nature of Hepatitis is viral which is caught by either through organic structure fluids or improper personal hygiene in add-on to other causes which remains unknown. This disease leads into serious physiological effects such as weariness, icterus and serious liver complication like liver Cirrhosis. Psychosocial consequence which is another result of Hepatitis includes societal backdown, anxiousness, depression and self-destructive inclination. Despite of the extended researches to happen a remedy for Hepatitis, there is still no effectual intervention for it so the duty of avoiding this infection is both on authorities and persons. Hepatitis is one of the most fatal diseases which was discovered in the early 1880ss ; it can be defined as an redness of the liver organ. Hepatitis is derived from the Latin words â€Å" Hepat †which means the liver and â€Å" itis †redness. The usual cause of Hepatitis is a virus that invades the organic structure through blood watercourse. This virus could acquire into the organic structure either through organic structure fluids or improper personal hygiene, taking to serious physiological and psychosocial effects. There are several types of Hepatitis, such as A, B, C, D, E and G. A, B and C viruses are the most common types of Hepatitis and all these viruses can do similar jobs and have similar symptoms, but they spread in different ways and have different effects on the organic structure. There are several manners of transmittal including contaminated organic structure fluids, improper personal hygiene in add-on to idiopathic causes. Contaminated organic structure fluids include spits, blood, fecal matters and piss. Blood transfusion is the most common method, where the blood is transferred from an septic patient to another patient what would be called â€Å" Horizontal Transmission †. Another method is the â€Å" Vertical Transmission †which occurs when a pregnant adult female base on balls it to her foetus. Furthermore, †contaminated acerate leafs shared by the drug maltreaters or in medical accidents such as needle pricks†is another manner emphasized by ( Nowak and Handford, 2004, p.379 ) . Having unprotected sex and multi-partners are other ways taking to this disease harmonizing to Nowak and Handford ( 2004 ) whom reported that â€Å" Sexual transmittal does happen, peculiarly among the homophiles. Note besides that 20 % of septic s traight persons pass the virus to their spouses. †( p.380 ) . All of the above mentioned causes can take to Hepatitis B and C which are the most unsafe 1s. The 2nd major cause of Hepatitis is hapless hygiene, for case, personal and general. To get down with contaminated H2O such as sewerage lanes, rivers and public lavatories are topographic points of great hazard for hoarding Hepatitis A particularly to those who live nearby. This type of Hepatitis is normally transferred by fecal matters harmonizing to Fiore ( 2004 ) â€Å" HAV is chiefly transmitted by the fecal-oral path, either by person-to-person contact or by consumption of contaminated nutrient or H2O â€Å" ( p.705-15 ) .Moreover, common veggies and shellfish, such as boodles and oysters may be contaminated by sewerage to go beginnings of infection to worlds. Besides, personal hygiene is another component for reaching hepatitis and can happen by sharing razors, toothbrushes and towels, and leads to Hepatitis B and C. Despite antecedently discussed causes of this disease, there is still a great sector of hepatitis which remains unknown. Statisticss shows that â€Å" about 30 % of hepatitis B infection are of unknown beginning†¦ .40 % of Hepatitis C instances are idiopathic †( Nowak and Handford, 2004, p.379-80 ) . Where another article points that â€Å" beginnings is unknown but could be considerable ; 50 % of reported patients with hepatitis A do non hold an identified beginning of infection †( Fiore, 2004, p.706 ) . But McHutchison A ; Bacon ( 2005 ) emphasized in their diagram of â€Å" Figure 2: Beginnings of Infection for Persons With Hepatitis C â€Å" that merely â€Å" 10 % of Hepatitis C infection are unknown †( p.S287 ) . There are many effects of this disease which lie under the two classs: the physiological effects and psychosocial effects. Where the physiological effects contain all the symptoms of Hepatitis, the psychosocial effects indicate the emotional and societal effects of being a Hepatitis patient. The symptoms of the assorted signifiers of hepatitis are similar and they are caused by the harm in the liver. The most noticeable symptom is icterus which causes a yellowing of the tegument. Other symptoms associated with hepatitis include weariness, general organic structure hurting, sickness, mild febrility, and loss of appetency. As the infection spreads in the liver, the organ becomes enlarged. It may do hurting in the venters and in worst scenario can take to liver Cirrhoses which mean entire liver harm and finally decease. It takes seven to eight hebdomads after exposure to the Hepatitis virus for the symptoms to look. A patient with Hepatitis is non merely predisposed to physical symptoms, but besides to emotional and societal jobs. These complexnesss include depression and societal backdown as each one leads into the other, added to that depression and anxiousness which normally occur together. Anybody who suffers from Hepatitis will be dying and this anxiousness may take in to depression in sever instances, for illustration when a patient suffers from Hepatitis and he knows it is a serious unwellness rebelliously he will non halt badgering, these concerns can do the individual preoccupied with his unwellness and take him to depression. Furthermore, a Hepatitis patient societal withdraw as a consequence of being unable to happen a spouse who is willing to populate with this fatal disease. It is besides difficult to do people understand the nature of this serious disease and do friends and households accept and accommodate it. All this may drive the patient to be lonely and allure to be self-destr uctive. To sum up, Hepatitis is still one of our life clip enigmas to be solved. The spread of this disease is largely due to the natural or hygienic causes in add-on to some per centum of idiopathic causes which is still unknown. Like any other unwellness, Hepatitis has many drawbacks which could be listed under two classs physiological and psychosocial. Unfortunately, despite the advanced field of medicine Hepatitis remains un-ended and research continues in order to happen the ultimate intervention for it. Until a concluding remedy is found, precautional stairss should be taken by both authorities and persons. The authorities is responsible to guarantee infection control consciousness over this disease through its wellness system. But it is a personal duty to forestall oneself from this disease every bit good as any other disease by following the simple regulations of hygiene and guarantee to acquire proper wellness attention from dependable wellness constitutions merely. Mentions Fiore, E. ( 2004 ) . Hepatitis A Transmitted by Food. FOOD SAFETY, 38 ( 1 ) , 705-715. McHutchison, J. G. , A ; Bacon, B. R. ( 2005 ) . Chronic Hepatitis C: An Age Wave of Disease Burden. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE, 11 ( 10 ) , S286-295. Nowak, T. J. , A ; Handford, A. G. ( 2004 ) . Pathophysiology: Concepts and Application for Health attention Professionals ( Third ed. ) . New york: Mc Graw Hill. Prevention, C. f. D. C. a. ( 2009 ) . Disease load from viral hepatitis A, B, and C in the United States [ Electronic Version ] . Retrieved 9 Dec 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: // How to cite Hepatitis causes and effects, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Human resources and labors in Australia - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about theDescribe about agriculture, mining, human resources and water resources in Australia. Answer: The essence of the story in the article The story in the artcile focuses on supply and the demand of labor in Australia as a nation. The story outline six field of specialization which are mostly demanded by austrlian employers.The article was released by the Hay a recruiter as a quarterly report showng jobs which are highly demanded in australian in the current year 2017 (Pash 2017). The content of the artcile expresses the six fields as finacial analysts, payrollers, site managers, sales admnistration officers, development offiicers and operation engineers as well as data analysts. Accoring to the artcle, there are human resoucrce suppliers who in are indictated as the Austrlaian laborers and places Australian employers on the demand side. By placing the two parties as suppliers and buyers, it meets the topic of demand and supply of certain Asutarlian resources. According to the ccontent of the article, the most interested parties include Austrlaian employers who are required to utilize human resource in relation to the six fields. Another interested parties are the labores in Asutralia who are able and willing to offer their services to the employers at the prevailing wage rates. Moreover, the content futher outlines areas of interest based on the strong demand in renewable energy sector, human resources business partnering as well as disable case load administration (Doiron and Kalb 2015). According to the writers school of thought, it is evident that this year (2017) the labor market is full of various job qualifictions which should attract employers. Every employee is thus requiered to move steps further above job description and create a competetive advatage in order to secure a job in the Australian labor market. The writer of the article then comes up with a list of competetive advantages an employee should have in order to be able to secure jobs aby adding value to their employers (Gregory and Duncan 2011). The list requires employees to have qulaification such as discpline, efficiency gains, digital lieteracy and expoerience. The bottom line of argument in this case is that only capable job seekers will be able to secure opportunities but people of such skills are rare in labormarket and attract higher wage compensation. Economic analysis of the article The content of the article as stated above can be analysed using economic concept theories and models. The best economic theoritical concpet to applied in this case is demand and supply as well as equilibrium as indicated below: As already stated in section one of the paper, the artcile clasified the most interested people into two, the supliers and buyers. The supply and demand theory states that the higher the price the lower the demand within a given market. moreover,the lower the price the higher the demand and this applies to the supply theory (Levitan, Mangum and Marshall 2012). Applying demand and supply theory to the issues outlined in the content of the aticle means shows that demand and supply of the six identified fields will rise leading to high prices. When prices are high most of the laborers will be willing to offer their skills to Australian employers. From the identified overhead issues above, there is a clear evidence of the existence of excees demand in the job market in future (Nickell and Bell 2015). This can also be expressed in other terms as labor shortage in Australia. Taking for instance the issue of para planners and fiancial planners job candiates who are required by Autsrlian employers to have a digree in their field of specialization along with ADFP or CFP are short in supply. Apart from this category of candidates, there is a high demand for quantitative risks analysts and childhood teachers who as well are in short supply in Australia leading to higher prices. Based in these few sectors as outlined in the article, there is an overal l labor shortage in Australia which comes as a result of the additional requirements needed by the employers. According to demand and supply, the lower the demand the higher the prices and this is evident in Australia (OBrien et.all 2011). Recently the National Disability Insurance Scheme created a large demand for child care managers and this has resulted into an increased wages for such individual workers. My view on the story According to the above analysis, I will give recommendation to each stakeholders. There is need for Australian employees to develop their qualifications according to employers demands. Australian employees should not concentrate only on job descriptions and experience but rather create unique qualifications which are required by employers in the six fields. This is because most of the employers in the identified six fields require employees with additional benefits to the organization. Moreover, the organization should up their skills in risk management, financial planning which are required by banking sector. Employees are also encourage to improve their skills in industrial robotics and organizational management. Based on the high demand on child care, Australian job seekers should acquire experience in childcare education. With up skills in each of the six highly demanded fields, workforce participation will move up as employees will have skills for in various industries as shown below: Recommendation to employers Based on the above analysis it is recommended for employers to conduct internal workforce improvements and job upskills. This will help them have qualified workforce rather than looking for employeesform the job markets with required qualifications. Employers instead of looking for worskers with the required job qualifications, should organise internal job upskills through workshops, seminars as well as trainng conferences to provide supplementary value to their task force (Segal and Bolton 2009). The employers should try to improve their employees to their required job standards by bringing trainers as well as contraicting various training institutions in order to help improve workforce performance. Conclusion and support analysis The above analysis supports this conlusion in that the qualifications and experince required by employers in the six field identified. There is short supply despite the excess demand by the employers for qualified employees in the six fields. The shortage is as a result of employees who are currently in australia to do not have qaulifications which can enble them do suplementary work. The employers as already stated, require workforce team who can take suplementary work and add value to their organizations. Based on this, many people in the australian job market are not employed as they lack values to add to their employers. References Doiron, D. and Kalb, G., 2015. Demands for child care and household labour supply in Australia. Economic Record, 81(254), pp.215-236. Gregory, R.G. and Duncan, R.C., 2011. Segmented labor market theories and the Australian experience of equal pay for women. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 3(3), pp.403-428. Levitan, S.A., Mangum, G.L. and Marshall, R., 2012. Human resources and labor markets. New York: Harper Row. Nickell, S. and Bell, B., 2015. The collapse in demand for the unskilled and unemployment across the OECD. Oxford review of economic policy, 11(1), pp.40-62. OBrien?Pallas, L., Baumann, A., Donner, G., Murphy, G.T., Lochhaas?Gerlach, J. and Luba, M., 2011. Forecasting models for human resources in health care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 33(1), pp.120-129. Pash, C. (2017). The 6 jobs Australian recruiters say will be in demand in 2017. Business Insider , 1-4. Segal, L. and Bolton, T., 2009. Issues facing the future health care workforce: the importance of demand modelling. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 6(1), p.12.
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