Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Federal Reserve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
The Federal Reserve - Essay Example Therefore, in pursuing these functions Fed aim to stabilize prices and attain maximum employment. The Federal Reserve tightened it policy after the country suffered from a 2008-2010 financial crisis. Moreover, the bank increased regulations in the financial sector to check on bank lending behavior that caused the housing bubble to burst. These measures have achieved tremendously as indicated in the recent Beige Book. The economy at a national level is growing, and this shows that the country is on the path out of the financial crisis. The Board says that consumer confidence has increased, and business buoyancy is rising too. The Beige Book (2013) reported that the national economic conditions have expanded during the month of September to October. All the twelve Federal Districts had similar rates of growth, though some like Richmond, Philadelphia, Kansas and Chicago showed slowed growth rate as compared to earlier reports. Moreover, the Districts were optimistic of growth in future economics behaviors, but they also feared uncertainty as a result of increased debate on the debt ceiling and government shutdown. The country has increased consumer spending and people are travelling more in all most all the districts. Furthermore, tourism has also increased, and businesses are now growing. This can be attributed to increased payrolls in many Districts. The Fed reports that there is increased demand for manufacturing activities and nonfinancial services. Residential construction has resumed, and it is increasing pace by pace. The lending rate has remained modest, and there was little change in the financial balances. The agricultural sector has been affected, and most districts reported that drought impacted the sector. The energy sector has expanded, but there has been reduced production of coal. Therefore, the overall price condition and wage was stable and without pressure (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2013). Economic Indicators That Guide I n Stabilizing the Economy Economic indicators are voluminous statistics of the economic conditions that are used by the government in measuring and evaluating the growth of the economy. There are many economic indicators and each function differently from the other. Some indicators have short term effects on the economy while others have short term and long term effects. These indicators include real gross domestic product, money supply, consumer price index, consumer confidence, employment rate and housing starts. Real GDP help the Federal Reserve to know how it will utilize monetary policies to the changes in the economic conditions. Its shows the market cost of a countries goods market produced at the current period. Real GDP shows the country’s wealth by demonstrating the returns on capital and the growth of profit in businesses and service industries. Real GDP, therefore, measures the well being of a country economic activity. Consequently, Fed must use tight monetary po licies to ensure that the interest rate is not below the set target of 2%. Low interest rates render the Federal Reserve policies ineffective in controlling the money supply (Labonte, 2013). Employment is the other economic indicator the Federal Reserve ought to address to maintain the path of economic growth. The employments statistics are derived from the payrolls, retail trade, construction and manufacturing and are used in determining the level of unemployment and the well being of the country. Increase in wages enhances
Monday, October 28, 2019
Health Information Essay Example for Free
Health Information Essay Not only is that important it also needs to be accurate and reliable medical information. All of the above information is not only very important it also impacts the HIPAA privacy rule. The Office for Civil Rights is responsible with its enforcement of the HIPPA Privacy Rule. Not only does it need to be enforced it needs to be constantly upheld at all times. This is necessary to protect both the patient and the medical professionals from unauthorized use of their health records and to allow medical providers access to secure, safe, accurate, and reliable medical information. The demand for information has risen from not only third party payers but in fact has risen from governmental entities. Patients now have to consent in order to accept health care treatment. As a result from the demand for patient information has brought forth a huge development between the law and medicine. There’s also the term informed consent. This is used in law to indicate that the consent a patient gives falls under certain minimum standards. Any informed consent can be said to have been given based upon a clear appreciation and understanding of the facts, implications, and future consequences of an action. Any patient who is concerned must have adequate reasoning faculties and must be in possession of all relevant facts at the time the consent was given. Both of these are needed in order to give an informed consent. To understand the responsibilities that confidentiality and informed consent place on health-care providers, The United States Congress created the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996. This act provides protection of health care coverage for workers, and also protects the privacy and security of medical information. The HIPAA laws allow authorized medical professionals or healthcare organizations to have access to your private medical records. Anything a doctor, nurse or other health professional has written or discussed about your personal medical treatment is confidential. Medical data that is being held by your health insurance company is also kept confidential and also any billing information which is submitted by patients or a medical facility or your health insurance company. HIPAA restricts who can and can’t request access to patient medical information. It is very important that your medical provider have access to all of your health history. There are entities that can access your medical information without your written consent such as: employers, workers compensation are all exempt. School districts, state agencies, and law enforcement agencies or institutions are exempt from HIPAA laws and are not required to follow the privacy and security rules. It is very important that you fully understand your HIPAA rights before anyone consents to release any medical information to organizations that are not required to follow the privacy and security rules HIPPA has put in place to protect confidential information. ROI policies and processes need to be adaptive. The process should be changed to meet new regulatory requirements and technology. Changes to the HIPAA rules regarding the accounting of health information disclosures expected this year have the potential to dramatically expand HIM and ROI responsibilities and pose operable disputes. Health information exchanges are pushing the frequency and scope of how patient information gets transferred. All HIM professionals must continue to remain aware and on top of all changes to ensure HIPAA compliance and change processes accordingly. The HIPAA privacy rule has received both positive and negative effects on the release of patient information by healthcare facilities. The intention of HIPAA was to protect patient privacy and to promote security and confidentiality of all patient information; it has had some unintended consequences for facilities. Some of these unintended effects, discovered about some issues directly related to the release of patient information which has had an impact with the implementation of HIPAA. The biggest issues that were found were. Increases in the public’s misunderstanding about release of patient information, lack of an umbrella policy, regulation defining infractions, enforcement that allows individual institutions to make their own version, and challenges to health information management professionals in controlling safeguards related to release of information given the transition to electronic health records and the increased involvement of information technology. The findings from this research suggest there is a need for additional clarification of the regulations that are governing HIPAA, and its standardized instructions and extensive training of its healthcare workers. I have learned so much about how the release of information impacts the HIPPA Privacy Rule. I do believe the most impact comes from the public because most people don’t understand new health care practices such as: record keeping, obtaining verbal or written consent.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Brett Farve Bio Essay -- essays research papers
Brett Favre      I have chosen Brett Favre for my biography paper. The name of the biography was Brett Favre and it was written by Martin Mooney. If you love football you should read this book. I chose Brett Favre because he is a great quarterback and role model to children everywhere. I also chose him because he is a football legend      Brett was born in a small town called Kiln, Mississippi, on October 10, 1969. He was given the name Brett Lorenzo Favre. He also grew up in this small town where he was as the second oldest of his family. His parents were Irvin and Bonita Favre. Both his parents worked at Hancock North Central High school. Irvin, being a teacher, baseball coach and football coach, and Bonita was a special education teacher. Brett loved to play football all his life. In fifth grade he decided which position he wanted to play when he went out for wide receiver and landed on the football after a catch and lost his breath. He told his father, the coach for his team, â€Å"I don’t want to play wide receiver no more.†Ever since that day he has been a quarterback after his dad put him as one, and scored 4 touchdowns.      As a teenager Brett grew up about the same as anyone else. Since he grew up in a totally football enclosed family, with his brother playing football in college and his father being a coach, he loved the game. He has the same posters, and the same dreams and heroes as most k...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Game Rental Shop :: Video Games Consumerism Spreadsheets Essays
Game Rental Shop Spreadsheet Rent it!!!!!! Games rental Identification To start my project I have chosen that I would do a spreadsheet for a games rental shop. This shop would be renting out games for people to borrow over a period of 3 nights. If the games are brought back later than the due in date then there will be a fine of  £1 every night. I think choosing to do a games rental shop is quite a good choice because it would involve lots of calculations. I think that excel would be very suitable software to use for this games shop as it would give me all the calculations and results. I am going to have a stock sheet on excel and another sheet which involves the sales and late charges. I will be calculating things such as adding up sales and late charges and adding up. Excel is the best program to calculate because I would be using its features to calculate. Using formulas you can calculate the whole database in a second. These are the sorts of calculations that we can get from excel:  · Average sales per week  · Most rented game  · Adding up the number of rentals in a week  · Working out the profit  · Fine charges etc. I can use excel to get results such as the most rentals in the week of a single game using a bar chart. Get results for the fine charges of the week again using bar charts and I can also use a pie chart to see the best renting title. Excel also has a function called sort. If there is almost 200 games on my database and next to them it tells you how many times this title has been rented out then all you have to do is click sort and it would tell you in order of what the best renting title is. Rather than an ordinary database program people prefer spreadsheets because it’s good for storing and retrieving. It can do calculations very fast and efficient. Excel also with the use of formulas is better than word processor or a database program. My end user would use the spreadsheet that I will design. My end user would be the shop owner who is using this as a super calculator and would help them get good outcomes from the spreadsheet. The end user requirements should be: * Fast data search * Accurate calculations * Easy to use (user friendly) * Everything sorted out by using the Sort function * Get good results and easy to understand them To get from one sheet to another sheet I will be using macro buttons.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Issues in Second Language Learning Essay
People today live in a â€Å"global village†– people correspond with each other from around the globe regularly through the Internet, modern transportation enables a person to travel from Africa to Europe in a matter of hours, products are bought and sold with increasing ease from all over the word, services are provided anytime, anywhere in the world, and real time coverage of major international news events is taken for granted. Thus, it seems that learning second language is a requirement in today’s highly globalised environment. However, second language learning (SLL) is a long and difficult process, and is a big task for anyone. After all, learning a first language is a process that involves much of a young child’s day, and ESL students in universities must work even harder in order to learn and acquire a second language. The learning process can be emotionally difficult for university students to take the step into a new language and culture. Adult learners, perhaps even more than children and adolescents, can be shy and embarrassed around others when trying out beginning language skills. Learners acquire a second language in many different ways. There are many similarities in how a second language is learned, but there are also differences based on individual student characteristics and language background. For example, outgoing students may begin to imitate phrases and expressions very early and try them without worrying about making mistakes. Conversely, other learners may not use their new language for some time. Usually, at the outset, learners may experience cultural shock as they are exposed to a new language, therefore, a whole new culture. This common experience, described as uprooting, is the abrupt transition from a familiar cultural milieu to an alien one. In the beginning of every SLL program, many learners experience a so-called honeymoon period, during which students are enchanted with the alien language without a true understanding of them. As time progresses, it is common for students to become almost hostile toward learning new language. Second language learners often suffer greater rates of anxiety, depression, and psychosomatic complaints. Furthermore, given the stresses SLL students face, a student struggling with language issues may lack the physical, emotional, or financial resources to tend to basic needs. After this stage, the learners are transitioned to so-called improved adjustment. In the last stage, the stage of bilingualism, the learners incorporate the norms of the language and culture that they have acquired and learned into their own lifestyle and their own value set. Cultural Issues Many students of SLL are struggling with learning a new language. These struggles stem above all from linguistic and cultural differences. Often, they experience the â€Å"language shock†phenomenon wherein learners confront anxiety when first entering a community in which they do not speak, or are not proficient in, the dominant language. It is a common occurrence in schools, where, despite their desire to speak the dominant language fluently, students must struggle for months or several years before they understand everything that is being said. This feeling of anxiety is aggravated by the ignorance of others. Consider the following example reported by Li (1999): When a Chinese mother went to pick up her daughter from school, she began to ask her some questions about her day, but in Chinese. The girl became upset with her mother and later explained that her classmates would laugh at her in those situations. Moreover, whenever the teacher in her school inquired as to who had made a particular mistake, one of her classmates would point to her and say, â€Å"The Chinese girl,†when it was usually not so. In addition to the language shock that occurs on entering a new environment, many students experience another kind of struggle. Because of the types of ordeal described above, second language learners have negative associations with speaking their native language. Yet when they go home, that is the language in which their parents communicate. Moreover, their parents insist that they too maintain the use of the native language as a connection to their homeland and heritage. But many second language learners, especially those who immigrated to English-speaking countries, associate proficiency and fluency in English with becoming American and so they want to give up their native language. These learners are caught in a battle: while at home, they are expected by their parents to speak their first language; at school they are pressured to speak the second language. Another important challenge that many second language learners face is understanding the curriculum and pedagogy used in the classroom. Western classrooms are largely Euro-centric and America-centric. Carger (1996) recounts the story of a Mexican American boy, who was a student in a predominantly Latino Catholic middle school in Chicago. While the teachers and administrators never openly stated that they believed their students were inferior, they treated them as if they were. The boy’s homeroom teacher often used a demeaning tone when she spoke to her students. She did not allow them to ask questions, nor did she encourage them to think on their own. Most of her assignments included content to which her students could not relate. For example, one task that the students were asked to complete was to describe the experience of going to the dentist. However, many of the students had never been to a dentist. Pedagogical Issues A major problem confronting learners is the failure of the teachers to appreciate different learning strategies and styles among SLL students. Increased interest in student-centred learning approaches amongst language educators has led to numerous studies investigating individual language learning strategies and their relationship to achievement in learning second/foreign languages. Studies have indicated support for appropriately applied language learning strategies on second/foreign language achievement (e. g. , Griffiths and Parr, 2001). The consensus of the research is that although all learners, regardless of success with language learning, consciously or unconsciously employ a variety of learning strategies; successful language learners engage in more purposeful language learning and use more language-learning strategies than do less successful ones. Overall, findings indicate that both the frequency with which learners apply language learning strategies and the strategies they choose are distinguishing characteristics between more successful and less successful learners. Learning strategies are strategies that contribute to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and which affect learning directly. They are steps taken to facilitate the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information. In addition learning strategies are the special behaviours or thoughts that individuals use to help them learn, comprehend, or retain new information. Furthermore, it can be argued that learning strategies can foster learners’ autonomy in language learning. Strategies can also assist second language learners in promoting their own achievement in language proficiency. Learning strategies, therefore, not only help learners become efficient in learning and using a language, but also contribute to increasing learners’ self-directed learning. Whether as a result of heredity, educational background, situational requirements, age, or other factors, Sudanese learners of the English language understand and process information differently. While one individual prefers a particular learning style over another, such a preference reflects a personal inclination for how to learn in a particular situation. As personalities change, so too may their learning style preferences after exposure to different learning/teaching situations. Early research into language learning strategies was mostly concerned with investigating what language learning strategies learners used, without attempting to address the links between strategy use and success. Recent research has focused on determining the connections between strategy use and language proficiency. Such studies have shown that proficient language learners employed more strategies in language learning than less proficient language learners. Other findings have exposed a relationship between students’ perceptions of their language proficiency and strategy use. Oxford and Nyikos (1989) affirmed that greater strategy use accompanied perceptions of higher proficiency, while Wharton (2000) demonstrated a significant correlation between the two factors, indicating the higher a student’s language proficiency self-rating, the more frequent strategy use was. Long lists of learning strategies have been identified by a number of studies over the past thirty years Oxford (1993) reported that there were at least two dozen different classifications. Generally, these learning strategies fall under four broad categories, i. e. strategies that enable learners to: (1) comprehend, store, retrieve and use information; (2) manage and direct their learning through reflection and planning; (3) control their emotions; and (4) create opportunities to practice the target language with other people. Learning strategy system can be direct or indirect. Basically, direct learning strategies require mental processing of the target language. There are three major groups of direct strategies, each processes the language differently and for different purposes: memory, cognitive, and compensation. Memory learning strategies, also called mnemonics, involve mental processes used in arranging information in order, making associations, and reviewing. Cognitive learning strategies involve the processing of the target language so that meaning becomes clear through processes like reasoning and analyzing. Lastly, compensation learning strategies enable second language learners to make up for gaps in their knowledge and skills, by, for example, guessing meanings and using gestures. On the other hand, indirect strategies support and manage language learning often without involving the target language directly. The metacognitive, affective, and social learning strategies belong to the groups of indirect learning strategies. In essence, metacognitive learning strategies enable second language learners to plan, coordinate, evaluate, and direct their own learning as well as to monitor errors. Affective learning strategies, on the other hand, help learners gain control over their emotions, attitudes, and motivation through self-encouragement, self-reward, and reduction of anxieties. Finally, social learning strategies are ways of involving other people in enhancing learning through questions, cooperation and increased cultural awareness. Another pedagogical issue is that many SLL teachers do not generate environment that will foster learners’ understanding of making the essential mental construction. The current research proposes that students need to construct their own understanding of their learning. Constructivism provides a way of understanding teaching and learning and offers information for developing various ways of teaching, because the challenge in teaching is not to lecture, explain, or otherwise to attempt to transfer knowledge, but to create circumstances and experiences that engage the students and support their own explanation and application of language models needed to make sense of these experiences. The focus of constructivism is not unique to psychology; it also has roots in several areas, such as linguistics. Constructivism is primarily a theory of human development that in recent years has been applied to learning. The learning or meaning-making theory proposes that people create their own meaning and understanding, combining what they already know and believe to be true with new experiences with which they are confronted. The theory views knowledge as temporary, developmental, social and cultural. Lambert et al. (1995) described constructivism as the primary basis of learning where â€Å"individuals bring past experiences and beliefs, as well as their cultural histories and world views, into the process of learning; all of these influence how we interact with and interpret our encounters with new ideas and events†(p.xii). Guided by theories of constructivism, teachers must recognize that: learning is a search for meaning; meaning requires an understanding of the whole as well as its parts; in seeking meaning, they must understand the mental representations that students use to interpret the world and the assumptions they make to strengthen those representations; and the goal of learning is for the SLL student to develop his or her own understanding. Hence the students’ cultural-social and historical contexts are of importance in their learning. Social constructivist concepts have important implications in teaching strategies. Social constructivists believe that reality is constructed through human interactivity. Members of a society together construct the properties of the world. For them, reality does not exist prior to its social invention, thus it cannot be discovered. Also, social constructivism holds that knowledge is also a human product and is socially and culturally constructed, which suggests that individuals establish meaning by interacting with each other and with their environment. Additionally, social constructivism proposes that learning does not occur only within an individual, but is a social process; meaningful learning among SLL students happens when they are involved in social activities. Teachers can design instructional models based on the social constructivist perspective. These models promote collaboration among learners and with practitioners in the society. According to Lave and Wenger (1991) a society’s practical knowledge is positioned in relations among practitioners, their practice and the social organization and political economy of communities of practice. This suggests that learning should involve such knowledge and practice.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
QUEBEC HISTORY essays Quebec is an important province of Canada with a population of around 7, 487, 200 according to current statistics. The significance of this province lies both in its size and its interesting rich history. Majority of Quebec population is composed of French speaking people, making it one of the most influential and biggest French areas in North American region. Quebec is a huge province as far as occupied area is concerned. It is almost three times the size of France. Quebec's history goes back to early 16th century when it first explorer, Jacques Cartier, set foot on this region in 1534. The province has been known as the cradle of Canada because of the fact that it served as a gateway to other Canadian regions. Some history of the place must be known in order to understand why French-speaking people largely occupy Quebec. It also helps in understanding the problem that Quebec has faced due to the conflict between English and French-speaking Canadians and how the two sections differ in their views on various issues. Quebec became an important area for trade and business in 17th century when explorers, fur traders and missionaries thronged the place. However these economic activities were halted in 1663 when King Louis XIV turned Quebec into a colony and it became New France'. However New France did not remain in French occupation for very long as in mid 18th century, British took over this region and turned New France into Quebec. Since the French had left an indelible mark on the cultural and economic fabric of the place, Quebec people were allowed to practice and retain their culture under the However while the law had been formulated and French Canadians were given rights to retain their cultural and social traditions, it was never easy for the British to rule the French in Canada since the latter were hostile towards the former and this hostility o...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on The Migration of Foreign Industries to Mexico
The migration of foreign industries to Mexico has been an important issue for the Mexican economy. Much of the Mexican-US border region is in the midst of an industrialization period that shows no signs of slowing. In some areas, many U.S. and foreign companies are seeking: low-wage workers, low operating costs, fewer union restrictions, and a strategically located platform from which to launch products into the American market. What is a maquiladora? (â€Å"maquilas†) Maquila is the short form of the word maquiladora. It was originally associated with the process of milling. In Mexico it became the word for another kind of processing the assembly of imported component parts for re-export. The maquilas in Mexico began as a border phenomenon over 30 years ago. With the support of the Mexican government, US firms set up assembly plants on the Mexican side of the border. They were allowed to import components and raw materials duty-free and re-export the finished product to the US. The Maquiladora industry began in May 1966 with the passage of the Border Industrialization Program. This program made it economically profitable for American businesses to establish operations in the northern Border States from Tijuana Mexico to the border towns near Texas. In Mexico, American maquilas have found a cheaper workforce. This has been one of the greatest motives for American industries to go to Mexico. With what a normal American worker gains in one day, a Mexican worker can be paid a whole week. If this is looked at in a future perspective, the maquila is going to make and gain more money over the years. This money can be used for many things; for example, for improving the installations, to give the worker better pay, to buy more infrastructures or just to save it for future investments. The existence and development of the maquiladora industry in Mexico is due primarily to foreign investment. There are many countr... Free Essays on The Migration of Foreign Industries to Mexico Free Essays on The Migration of Foreign Industries to Mexico The migration of foreign industries to Mexico has been an important issue for the Mexican economy. Much of the Mexican-US border region is in the midst of an industrialization period that shows no signs of slowing. In some areas, many U.S. and foreign companies are seeking: low-wage workers, low operating costs, fewer union restrictions, and a strategically located platform from which to launch products into the American market. What is a maquiladora? (â€Å"maquilas†) Maquila is the short form of the word maquiladora. It was originally associated with the process of milling. In Mexico it became the word for another kind of processing the assembly of imported component parts for re-export. The maquilas in Mexico began as a border phenomenon over 30 years ago. With the support of the Mexican government, US firms set up assembly plants on the Mexican side of the border. They were allowed to import components and raw materials duty-free and re-export the finished product to the US. The Maquiladora industry began in May 1966 with the passage of the Border Industrialization Program. This program made it economically profitable for American businesses to establish operations in the northern Border States from Tijuana Mexico to the border towns near Texas. In Mexico, American maquilas have found a cheaper workforce. This has been one of the greatest motives for American industries to go to Mexico. With what a normal American worker gains in one day, a Mexican worker can be paid a whole week. If this is looked at in a future perspective, the maquila is going to make and gain more money over the years. This money can be used for many things; for example, for improving the installations, to give the worker better pay, to buy more infrastructures or just to save it for future investments. The existence and development of the maquiladora industry in Mexico is due primarily to foreign investment. There are many countr...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Realstic Patiriotism essays
Realstic Patiriotism essays Since the 9/11 tragedy, theres been an influx of pro-US, patriotic themes where three firemen hoist an American flag over a mound of smoldering rubble. The feeling of the nation is one of allegiance and passion of everything red, white, and blue. We watch our CSI and Law and Order, in which a multiracial team of protectors, each having super-human characteristics and ideals, stop a band of wrongdoers from wreaking havoc and despair on the US. These shows make us feel good-proud and patriotic...American! But in reality, patriotism is an unattractive, middle-aged man in stars n stripes boxer shorts sitting on his front porch without his shirt on showing his habitual surrendering to alcoholism, while chanting USA, USA at the top of his lungs waiting on his next disability check to come in the mail. Being an American, a true-blue patriotic, is much like being beautiful; its only skin-deep. In todays immoral and depraved society, focused on materialism and fame-where one no longer ask him/herself, How can I help? but, rather How can I help...ME?-Our image is the most important thing we have in our possession. Whether it has to do with our physical attractiveness, our ability to be a good provider, or our morality, one must always be concerned with how he or she appears in the public eye. Especially if you are someone deemed important. One unaccepted event or practice and you would be hung by your private area. This is America. We live in a glass menagerie in which we focus on others mistakes and misfortunes in order to enhance our own image in our own minds. Never thinking outside the box, we as Americans are consumed with our own lives. We as Americans never think about the elderly lady, indignant in appearance, pushing a shopping cart across the expressway; her old face warily turning from side to side, peering across each of the eight lanes afraid of going unseen. Sure...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
American Consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
American Consumerism - Essay Example This essay shall shed more light on American Consumerism as described in the work of Dratch and Schor. A lot of Americans generally feel dissatisfied in terms of material possession. This is in relation with the interview of Schor (1). However, this does not mean that they overspend in purchasing goods to fulfill their needs but they purchase these goods because they want these goods to live comfortably. This explains why a lot of Americans work for longer hours as opposed to citizens in other countries. The need to satisfy this wish list, as well as work more to fulfill is one that leads to their being the best savers. A good example is how Americans purchase goods that relate to their own lifestyle. A great percentage of Americans will purchase a car that appeals to them, visit specific shopping malls, rent specific houses, and even dress in specific designer clothes. This explains that they wanted that particular type of good but did not need it. Such kind of lifestyle pushes them to get to that particular brand of product so as to retain their image and class in the society. Americans lead a rich lifestyle yet they spend very little amounts of money. This is from the compilation of Dratch (1). Americans have been said to be the best analyzers of their spending habits and do not purchase goods to please other people. Through the making of budgets just as Dratch recommends (1), Americans avoid being materialistic and making purchases to please other people. This means that they only purchase goods that are important at that particular time in their life or goods that will add value to their present life. The American consumer cannot be said to lack self discipline. This is derived from the interview of Schor with Soron (Schor 1). Additionally, the media through advertisements cannot be blamed for the consumer behavior of the Americans (Schor 1).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Critically examine the claim that THE key to being an innovative Essay
Critically examine the claim that THE key to being an innovative organisation is R & D more expenditure equals more innovation - Essay Example e constantly engaging in research and development in order to come up with new approaches of doing things, design new products for the market, acquire new market for the products and expand business capacity to meet the current and future market demand (United Nations, 2012, p. 11). Innovation is a role of all workers in an organization. In order for an organization to be competitive in the market, it has to promote and nurture a culture of creativity among the workers and provide the necessary resources to support innovation. The organizations should have the capacity to recognize the need for innovation and support the ideas that can lead to competence of the organizations. The ideas could be small or big and they follow a particular process. Innovation requires resources including time and finances (Mazzucato, 2013, p. 84). Organizations must be willing to devote the required resources in order to achieve the expected goals. They should engage in research and development in order to explore various approaches to improving products, processes or market and implement the new ideas as their core competences for future growth. Innovation may imply the organization developed their knowledge or acquired the knowledge from another organization. Irrespective of the method, the business, used to innovate, the organization has to incur some cost in order to gain that knowledge. Innovation is an entrepreneurial role of creating a new product or processes for the market. Entrepreneurs earn profit from their innovations by establishing a monopoly (Unit 1: Lecture 1). They acquire patent rights to limit other competitors from producing and selling similar products in the same market. However, the entrepreneurs cannot prohibit the entry of competitors in the market for a long. Competitors start offering similar products with those of the entrepreneur thus limiting the potential for expansion of the business. The entrepreneurs should develop a culture of innovation in order to
Should firearms be allowed in schools Research Paper
Should firearms be allowed in schools - Research Paper Example This makes it possible for intruders to access the premises and eventually mingle with unsuspecting students even in places such as dormitories, which are supposed to be out of bounds to strangers and other unauthorized persons (Newman, 2004). Furthermore, the ratio of security officers to civilians is never adequate to the extent of guaranteeing personal security to every individual unless every person undertakes to incur the expenditure of hiring personal body guards, who sometimes may turn out to be a bother as there is no way it would work if each and every student was accompanied by such guards to their lecture halls (Kopel, 2002). If this proposition is made legal, a methodology of ensuring compliance with the rules of handling guns would be brought forward in addition to constant evaluation on a student’s conduct to ensure that only those with sound and sober minds are allowed the privilege so as to avoid unethical behavior. If police officers, qualified civilians and o ther government security agencies can be entrusted to carrying guns, students can also be trained for example by introducing gun handling and usage lessons so as to make them responsible and aware of the consequences of not following laid down rules and regulations. The Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, shootings should be considered as a point of reference by those who may be misinformed on the vulnerability of college students. According to reports, an unknown armed person gained access to the institution on the 16th April 2007. Apparently, the said person embarked on a shooting spree whereby he killed two students in one of the dormitories and less than three hours later, he shot and killed 30 others in a classroom after which he committed suicide bringing the total number of deaths to 33, an occurrence that was termed as, â€Å"the deadliest shooting rampage in the American history (Hauser & O’Connor, 2007).†If students were allowed to carry guns, there is a high probabi lity that the number of victims would have been lower based on the fact that they would have used their weapons to overpower and probably kill the shooter before he could cause more damage as he did. On the contrary, most of the students tried to escape through the windows while others slept on the floor as a cover as there was no way they could have challenged the shooter. College students especially females should be allowed to carry guns as a measure to control the ever increasing rate of sexual assault both by acquaintances and unknown assailers. Women are generally considered to be weak in terms of defense especially when challenged by fellow men, who are considered to be more masculine thereby energetic. According to 2008 reports, more than 3000 college students are allegedly sexually assaulted within the institutions on yearly basis. Indeed, the same reports indicate that of all college men interviewed, 60% admitted that they would rape their fellow female friends under any c ircumstances deemed justifiable to them (Burnet, 2009). A woman needs protection and this has not been forthcoming in most of the colleges whereby culprits are allowed to go scot-free due to lack of substantial evidence whereas others are expelled from college only to return later
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Security Concerns for America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Security Concerns for America - Essay Example Terrorist threats against US interests may be domestic or international in scope. International terrorism is generally conducted to protest US foreign policy, or draw international attention to a social cause. Al-Qaeda was formed as an organization that was protesting the US military presence in the Middle East, which they viewed as a threat to Islam (Pape, 2003, p.7). When a US group conducts a terrorist act on US soil, it is considered to be domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorists are generally extremists that have radicalized views on social programs and policies. Until recently, domestic terrorism was classed as a criminal act, and was investigated and prosecuted as a crime. More recent legislation has differentiated the criminal act from the terrorist act, and the law has made special investigation and prosecuting provisions available to law enforcement. Law enforcement has expanded powers to gather intelligence, collect evidence, and the labeling of an act as terrorism carries stiffer penalties than a simple crime. International terrorists can be labeled as 'enemy combatants' and forfeit certain rights to due process, and may be held without being charged or tried. In addition, their residences may be searched, personal records seized, and bank accounts frozen with fewer restrictions on obtaining a warrant. 3.) Surveillance The combination of technology and our nation's need for security has changed the way surveillance is conducted, as well as the ease with which it is justified. Surveillance has moved from a manual task that involved eyes and ears, to a much more automated system of recorders and cameras. In addition, modern electronic communications, and the Internet, is readily available to law enforcement to monitor. Local and federal courts are more willing to engage in high-tech surveillance due to the grave threats that are present in society. There is little debate in regards to the fact that the increase in intelligence gathering and surveillance has eroded our nation's fundamental rights. The debate has become; how many of our civil rights are we willing to sacrifice The American Bar Association (n.d.) contends that, "the government must have the tools necessary to do everything possible to prevent another attack on our nation", and goes on to warn that there is a "significant risk of excessive use of government surveillance authority without adequate oversight" (p.12). The expanded powers, and the technology available, greatly increases the possibility of abuse or misuse for personal or private gain. There should be no restrictions on the technology made available to law enforcement. If it can be used prudently to protect Americans and their interests, then it should be. There is an increased need for self-regulation by departments and organizations to use it sparingly and only when necessary. 4.) FISA Court Any time intelligence gathering, or suspects, involves a foreign country, the case is processed through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court. The FISA court "establishes a legal regime for "foreign intelligence" surveillance separate from ordinary law enforcement surveillance" (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, n.d.). The FISA Court, which makes it easier to obtain a warrant, gives law
Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Discussion Board - Essay Example Internet has emerged as the conveyer of leadership, synchronizer of teamwork, and facilitator of communication. Rapid networking has integrated most of the managerial and communication processes in and around the organization. No doubt, Internet has thus expanded the scope of organizational behavior manifold. (Nelson and Quick, 2007) In this context, the example of ObWeb can be readily furnished, which is an entire website dedicated to the cause of organizational behavior. The website serves two main purposes: First, it helps thought sharing, communication, and research in the field of organizational behavior. Second, it strengthens the organizational behaviorist patterns of the academics and professionals by serving as an interactive social media platform. Hence, the web portal provides a forum for the members to ask questions, get answers, post announcements, and engage in a dialogue to address the issues related to organizational behavior. (Leana, 2010) Internet is perhaps one of the strongest tools of information technology (IT). Internet has enabled us to access huge amounts of data, communicate with each other across thousands of miles, and facilitate trans-platform integration of different technologies like email, ecommerce, etc. However, in regards of organizational behavior, the potential effects of IT and Internet are not uniformly positive. Organizations that rely on sophisticated information technologies are more vulnerable to vandalism, espionage, and sabotage. Moreover, IT can create new social divisions. For example, the computer savvy may be put vis-Ã -vis the nonuser and the educated may dominate the uneducated in newer ways. Faster ways to communicate through the Internet cannot substitute the critical human qualities like common sense and good judgment. Rather, too many channels of communication may lead to contradictions and confusion. Hence, advent of Internet has introduced new problems related to network
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Security Concerns for America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Security Concerns for America - Essay Example Terrorist threats against US interests may be domestic or international in scope. International terrorism is generally conducted to protest US foreign policy, or draw international attention to a social cause. Al-Qaeda was formed as an organization that was protesting the US military presence in the Middle East, which they viewed as a threat to Islam (Pape, 2003, p.7). When a US group conducts a terrorist act on US soil, it is considered to be domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorists are generally extremists that have radicalized views on social programs and policies. Until recently, domestic terrorism was classed as a criminal act, and was investigated and prosecuted as a crime. More recent legislation has differentiated the criminal act from the terrorist act, and the law has made special investigation and prosecuting provisions available to law enforcement. Law enforcement has expanded powers to gather intelligence, collect evidence, and the labeling of an act as terrorism carries stiffer penalties than a simple crime. International terrorists can be labeled as 'enemy combatants' and forfeit certain rights to due process, and may be held without being charged or tried. In addition, their residences may be searched, personal records seized, and bank accounts frozen with fewer restrictions on obtaining a warrant. 3.) Surveillance The combination of technology and our nation's need for security has changed the way surveillance is conducted, as well as the ease with which it is justified. Surveillance has moved from a manual task that involved eyes and ears, to a much more automated system of recorders and cameras. In addition, modern electronic communications, and the Internet, is readily available to law enforcement to monitor. Local and federal courts are more willing to engage in high-tech surveillance due to the grave threats that are present in society. There is little debate in regards to the fact that the increase in intelligence gathering and surveillance has eroded our nation's fundamental rights. The debate has become; how many of our civil rights are we willing to sacrifice The American Bar Association (n.d.) contends that, "the government must have the tools necessary to do everything possible to prevent another attack on our nation", and goes on to warn that there is a "significant risk of excessive use of government surveillance authority without adequate oversight" (p.12). The expanded powers, and the technology available, greatly increases the possibility of abuse or misuse for personal or private gain. There should be no restrictions on the technology made available to law enforcement. If it can be used prudently to protect Americans and their interests, then it should be. There is an increased need for self-regulation by departments and organizations to use it sparingly and only when necessary. 4.) FISA Court Any time intelligence gathering, or suspects, involves a foreign country, the case is processed through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court. The FISA court "establishes a legal regime for "foreign intelligence" surveillance separate from ordinary law enforcement surveillance" (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, n.d.). The FISA Court, which makes it easier to obtain a warrant, gives law
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Adolescent Dating Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Adolescent Dating - Essay Example Emotional needs are a part and parcel of a person’s life and right from the adolescent age, most people begin to find their interests in other people and begin to date them in order to rest the curiosity that they contain in their minds regarding the opposite sex and dealing with the idea of a relationship. Adolescent dating is one major life stage in human development. The stage predisposes the adolescents to several challenges which have been explained further within the purview of the paper. These major challenges at this stage are mainly emotional. The main aspects to be considered in adolescent stage may include, accepting that adolescence is a normal transitional stage; parental and peer influence during adolescent stage; the dating anxiety and social distress among adolescents and lastly dating violence among adolescents, to name a few. The main objective of this paper is to understand the emotional needs of adolescents with respect to their personal habits and desire t o have someone in their life to share their experiences with. Dating is a very normal part of adolescence stage where most young adults try and get to know one another in order to form a possible relationship with them. This occurs because of reasons like familial or peer pressure, as well as a friend as an outlet for one’s feelings. Furthermore, at this age, dating is seemingly impossible to eradicate or even prevent because almost everyone goes through it and children that don’t are considered to be left out in groups. This kind of dating is normally done in response to the growing emotional, physical and social needs of adolescents. Furthermore, it must be understood that the motives and perspective of adolescents toward dating are different from those of adults due to different levels of maturity. Dating has various effects on adolescents because it ends up having young people get mixed up
Subhash Chandra Bose Essay Example for Free
Subhash Chandra Bose Essay Subhash Chandra Bose was born on January 23, 1897 at Cuttack, in Orissa. He was the sixth son of Janakinath and Prabhavati Bose. Subhash was an excellent student and after school joined the Presidency College, Calcutta, where he studied philosophy, a subject he was interest in. As a young boy Subhash felt neglected among his 8 siblings. At his English school he suffered under the discrimination faced by Indians which made him even sadder. He wanted to work for the poor but his father, had other ideas. He sent Subhash to England to appear for the Indian Civil Service. In July 1920, barely eight months later Subhash Chandra Bose appeared in the Civil Service Examination and passed it with distinction. But he didnt want to be a member of the bureaucracy and resigned from the service and returned to India. Back home, he participated in the freedom movement along with Deshbandhu C. R. Das. He was thrown into jail but that only made him more determined. Subhash joined the congress and rose to its Presidentship in 1938 a post he held for 2 years. In 1939, when the Second World War started Gandhiji and other leaders were against doing anything anti-Britain. But Subhash thought differently. He knew, for instance, that the fall of the Roman Empire had led to the freedom of its colonies. He decided to seek foreign help for his cause of freeing India. He was arrested and kept in his house under detention. On January 17, 1941, while everyone was asleep, Bose slipped out of his house into a waiting car. Disguised as a Muslim religious teacher, Bose managed to reach Peshawar two days later. Bose went to Italy, Germany and even Russia to seek help but without much use. Subash decided to organize Indians on his own. He landed in Singapore and grouped Indians there into the Indian National Army or the Azad Hind Fauj and declared himself the temporary leader of the free Indian government. Japan, Germany and Italy recognizied Subhashs government and the whole of India rejoiced. The INA marched to Andaman and Nicobar islands, liberating and renaming them as Shaheed and Swaraj islands. On March 18, 1944, it crossed the Burmese border and reached Manipur where free Indias banner was raised with the shouts of Jai Hind and Netaji Zindabad. But heavy rain prevented any further movement and the units had to fall back. Even then Netaji was determined. On August 17, 1945, he issued a Special Order to the INA which said that Delhi is still our goal. He then wanted to go to Russia to seek Soviet help to fight the British. But the ill-fated plane in which he was flying, crashed in Taipei on August 18, 1945, resulting in his death. Some people believe that Subhash Chandra Bose didnt die, that he faked his own crash to escape the British who wanted to arrest him. There were even reports of Bose living in Russia and other foreign countries, even some claims of having seen him as a sadhu, but none were ever proved and today his death in the plane crash is the accepted version.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Description of the US Citizenship Process
Description of the US Citizenship Process  Jacob Hill Citizenship isnt as simple as residence. There are many requirements beyond residence to qualify as a citizen of the United States. Some people have lived here for years and still arent qualified to vote because they are not yet citizens. Specific criterion have been set to acquire citizenship that involve things such as knowledge of basic United States history, fluent english, and many other things that will be discussed throughout this paper. Overall, as a born-in citizen, I will be discussing the other end of the spectrum and the advantages that citizens have over aliens. To become a citizen, there are a few processes an individual can take. One way is to be born in the United States, though you cant really choose this option. The other way is through naturalization. Naturalization is the established legal process that allows an individual to acquire citizenship in a new country. The naturalization process is different for every country, but in the United States of America, we like to make the process simple and overall easy. Whether this is a good thing is up to each person on their own to decide. To discuss the naturalization process, we first have to draw the lines as to who is a born-in citizen. Any person born in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or Guam is also a citizen from birth. There are a few more rules though. Children born on an American embassy anywhere in the world are also citizens; however, a child born on a foreign embassy on United States soil isnt a citizen. This means that in America we look at both where and to whom you are born to define your citizenship. Therefore, anyone born outside of those boundaries set has to go through the naturalization process before they can enjoy their life as a citizen of the United States of America. To begin the naturalization process an applicant needs to be qualified to apply. This requires a few extra boundaries. First of all, for any of this to matter, the applicant needs to be at least eighteen years of age. This is because before a person is eighteen their citizenship is based on their parents. If a person of age is wanting to file, they need to find out if their are eligible due to their residence or spouse. A person is eligible if they fit under any of these categories for qualification by residence. An applicant must: Have lawfully been admitted for permanent residence, have resided in the states for a minimum of five years with less than one full year of absence (or only three years if married to a citizen), have been physically present in the states for at least 30 months out of the last five years (they cannot be absent for more than 6 months at one time), and have lived in a single city or state for at least three months continually. If someone has achieved any of these, they are eligible to apply for citizenship by residence. To apply based on spousal qualifications, a person needs to follow similar guidelines. They need to have lived on United States soil for at least 3 years while married to a citizen. They need to have a legal union, and the spouse had to be a citizen for the full three years, minimum. They do not have to follow the residence laws if the applicants spouse is employed by any of the following organizations: The United States government (this includes all army, navy, marine corporations, or air force employees), American Research Institutes (must be recognized by the attorney general), a recognized religious organization, or certain public international organizations involving the United States. If an applicants spouse fits any of these requirements, then they are eligible for naturalization. Once they have found out whether they are eligible or not, they need to follow the steps to complete an application for citizenship. These can be acquired through a local courthouse or a public government building. This application needs to be accompanied by two photographs of the applicant, these pictures need to meet the standards set by the USCIS (The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services). There are a few documents that are required as well as a fee for application and another fee for fingerprints. After an applicant completes all of these steps, they will receive an appointment letter from the USCIS. This is to get your fingerprinting done. Once this is done, they will set up an appointment for an interview. This interview includes a few questions about your background and about you as a person, to test the good moral character required. If the applicant is passed on, they will be given an English test to see how fluent they are. After completion of that test, they take a civics test. This is a general knowledge test of simple American history, things such as war knowledge, what wars we were involved in and why, what presidents were major models, and other questions along those lines. When the applicant has gone through all of this, they are still a few steps away from becoming a citizen. They first receive a decision. This decision comes from a member of the USCIS looking through the applicants profile and criminal history and seeing if they meet the standards for moral character. Upon examination, if there are any flaws, these will be brought up to the applicant for potential clearing up. After this, the member will look through the answers on the test, grade them, and see if they are qualified to receive a ceremony date. If they pass all tests and their moral character is in tact, they will be scheduled for a ceremony date. The ceremony is where the applicant finally officially becomes a United States citizen. This ceremony usually happens at the nearest courthouse, and includes a few more applicants. These dates are usually spread out so that there can be as many people as possible receiving their citizenship cards at the same time. When the applicant arrives at the courthouse, they are required to turn in their Permanent Resident Card. This is simply because once they are citizens they will not need it anymore. Once they do that, court is in session. In the court, they will all line up, pledge their allegiance to the United States, the usual way, and sit with the other applicants. Each individual will get up and give a speech for those in the court, usually family and friends are there to support them. They will discuss what they have been doing since they found out that they are eligible to receive their citizenship, and why they desired to be citizens of this great country. After everyone is done with their speeches, they move on as a group to the floor. They will all take the Oath of Allegiance. This is the final step to naturalization. It is the last leap to becoming a citizen, and after it is done, there is only one thing left to do, celebrate. It may be a simple process, but it is incredibly lengthy, not including the time that you have to have lived in the States. This process can really take a toll on a person, so it is a glorious time when the applicant finally receives that card. They can finally vote, and gain a United States passport. Above all, they have all the freedoms that a citizen has, and they are protected by the constitution. They can finally get a high end job, and will be respected as any other worker would be. It is difficult to get a job that isnt fast food or shelf-stocking when you arent a legal citizen, so that is a bonus. They finally gain the freedoms listed out in all of the Bill of Rights, and will be tried in court just the same as a born-in citizen would. There isnt any backlash for being a citizen in America, like there would be if you became a citizen of Cuba. The only thing that is an issue is the impossibility of dual citizenship. Here in America, there is a sort of moral code that says we believe a citizen in our country considers us their home, and having dual citizenship doesnt reflect that very well. Of course, in any case that a person truly does want to become a citizen, the process is a little bit more involved than it has been told in this paper. When a person wants to become a citizen, they dont already have the knowledge of what wars America has been in, and they surely dont know all of the presidents. There is studying to do, and along with that, the process nearly requires a lawyer who majors in legalization and immigration. The legal steps to becoming a citizen like finding out whether you are eligible, and how to display yourself to the interviewers. Also getting into the system takes a fine-tuned approach, so the best way to attack that is through someone who truly knows the system. Overall though, being a citizen of this amazing country is worth all the trouble, and the freedoms we have are the greatest we can expect from any country.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay on Social Expectations in Story of an Hour and Sorrowful Woman
Social Expectations and Marriage in The Story of an Hour and A Sorrowful Woman     Marriage does not always bring people happiness they expect. A number of people feel trapped in their own marriages. Mrs. Mallard in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and the unnamed protagonist in Gail Godwin’s â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman†are among those who experience such unfortunate. Only one hour in her marriage did Mrs. Mallard feel really happy; that was, bizarrely, when she was told about her husband’s death. For the female protagonist in â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman,†her marriage was a torment. All the time, she suffers from grief and sadness. Both of the women are imprisoned in their own marriages and even more so in their own minds, which eventually lead them to death. Successfully describing their main characters’ developments of feelings, Kate Chopin and Gail Godwin, two authors from two different time periods, undoubtedly point out that the conflict between society and individuals is the cause of the sadness and tragedy of marriage. First of all, through the settings of their stories, both of the authors suggested that social expectations be the real causes of their protagonists’ deaths. In â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman,†the unnamed protagonist has a desirable life. She has a â€Å"durable, receptive, gentle†husband and a â€Å"tender golden three†son (33)[i]. â€Å"He was attuned to her; he understood such things†(33) indicates that her husband always understood her. He is willing to sacrifice his time for her and their family. Mrs. Mallard in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is in a similar environment. Knowing that she has a heart trouble, â€Å"great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death†(10). Her friends a... ...or them death is freedom. And only through death they are able to escape from their tragedy. The stories invoke so much thought from people. Should a society be more generous to people? Should a society try to understand social groups, individuals, relationships, and values? If a society could do these, there would be less tragedy like such in Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and Godwin’s â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman.†           WORKS CITED [i] All of the quotations using in this paper are from:        Chopin, Kate. â€Å"The Story of an Hour.†The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Mayer. 5th ed.             Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999. Pages: 10-12.        Godwin, Gail. â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman.†The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Mayer. 5th ed.             Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999. Pages: 33-37.  Essay on Social Expectations in Story of an Hour and Sorrowful Woman Social Expectations and Marriage in The Story of an Hour and A Sorrowful Woman     Marriage does not always bring people happiness they expect. A number of people feel trapped in their own marriages. Mrs. Mallard in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and the unnamed protagonist in Gail Godwin’s â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman†are among those who experience such unfortunate. Only one hour in her marriage did Mrs. Mallard feel really happy; that was, bizarrely, when she was told about her husband’s death. For the female protagonist in â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman,†her marriage was a torment. All the time, she suffers from grief and sadness. Both of the women are imprisoned in their own marriages and even more so in their own minds, which eventually lead them to death. Successfully describing their main characters’ developments of feelings, Kate Chopin and Gail Godwin, two authors from two different time periods, undoubtedly point out that the conflict between society and individuals is the cause of the sadness and tragedy of marriage. First of all, through the settings of their stories, both of the authors suggested that social expectations be the real causes of their protagonists’ deaths. In â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman,†the unnamed protagonist has a desirable life. She has a â€Å"durable, receptive, gentle†husband and a â€Å"tender golden three†son (33)[i]. â€Å"He was attuned to her; he understood such things†(33) indicates that her husband always understood her. He is willing to sacrifice his time for her and their family. Mrs. Mallard in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is in a similar environment. Knowing that she has a heart trouble, â€Å"great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death†(10). Her friends a... ...or them death is freedom. And only through death they are able to escape from their tragedy. The stories invoke so much thought from people. Should a society be more generous to people? Should a society try to understand social groups, individuals, relationships, and values? If a society could do these, there would be less tragedy like such in Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and Godwin’s â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman.†           WORKS CITED [i] All of the quotations using in this paper are from:        Chopin, Kate. â€Å"The Story of an Hour.†The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Mayer. 5th ed.             Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999. Pages: 10-12.        Godwin, Gail. â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman.†The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Mayer. 5th ed.             Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999. Pages: 33-37. Â
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Poems About The Stars of Frost and Keats Essay -- American Literature
Poems About The Stars of Frost and Keats "Bright Star" by John Keats and "Choose Something Like a Star" by Robert Frost both present to the reader a desire to be like the "steadfast" star. Both poets gaze for this same quality in the stars, but thematically and stylistically each poem has its similarities and differences. The themes evident in "Bright Star" and "Choose Something Like a Star" are similar, but do have subtle differences. A theme shared between the two is man's wish for eternalness. The first fifteen lines of "Choose Something Like a Star" ask for the secret of "steadfastness," and the first line of "Bright Star" says, "would I were steadfast as thou art." The speaker of each poem wants to be able to identify with the star and its quality of persistence. This same theme the two poems share also has faint differences. The speaker of "Choose Something Like a Star" does not wish to be "steadfast" like the star, but wants to obtain the secret of permanence. The speaker says, "Tell us what elements you blend." The poem "Bright Star" differs in that the ...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Law and Environment Essay
According to this appeals court, what errors were made by the judge at trial? The judge has made a judicial error by allowing the Plaintiff’s counsel to comment on the case about Minichiello’s boss being a German with an â€Å"attitude of hatred†and made forced analogies to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The judge also allowed irrelevant testimony, which asserted that the Club discriminated against Latinos, Jews, and African-Americans, to the issue of discrimination based on sexual orientation. I agree that awarding $20,000,000 was grossly excessive and has no rational basis, and was an error by the judge as well. 7. Would the police violate a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure by secretly placing a GPS tracking device on the suspect’s car for an extended time without first securing a warrant to do so? Explain. See, for example, United States of America v. Lawrence Maynard, 615 F.3d 544 (D.C. Cir. 2010); petition for rehearing en bane denied, United States of America v. Antoine Jones, 625 F.3d 766 (D.C. Cir. 2010). The police would violate a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure by secretly placing a GPS tracking device on the suspect’s car for an extended time without first securing a warrant to do so. They have violated his â€Å"reasonable degree of privacy†. Without having a warrant issued will give the ability to have anybody monitored whenever for whatever period of time invading privacy.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Night: Judaism and Nazis
English 2 Honors 4 November 2012 Complex Conflict One complex conflict in Elie Wiesel’s Night is the conflict between Elie and himself (Man vs. Himself) that over layers the conflict where the Nazis continuously killed and beat Jews with no sympathy (Man vs. Man). The complex conflict helps to convey the theme Hatred and Death. Elie struggles to be the sole supporter for his father, who is constantly being beaten for unnecessary reasons by the Nazis. Along the journey to Gleiwitz, Elie ran with an injured foot willing to just give up and surrender his life for his foot because such great pains.When Elie saw his father veer near him as they continued their run, Eli saw how†out of breath, out of strength, desperate (Wiesel 86)†he was and Elie stated â€Å"My father’s presence was the only thing that stopped me (Wiesel 86). Elie’s comment provides an indirect characterization for Elie as a caring and loving son that would not leave his father to fight alone for he knew he was his father’s future. Due to the fact that Elie contemplated to whether to kill himself or support his father as he hangs on the thread between life and death.The Nazis were aggressive and unsympathetic for their well-being. Elie’s father was struggling to survive the journey for whosoever slowed down or stopped running at the pace were either shot or trampled. â€Å"They had orders to shout anyone who could not sustain the pace. Their finger on the triggers, they did not deprive themselves of the pleasure (Wiesel 85)†exploits the theme Hatred as the Jews hold on for dear life that the Nazis feel amusing, â€Å"they did not deprive themselves of the pleasure†. The Nazis in fact hated the Jews for multiple reasons and loved how the Jews memory was slowly fading.Due to Elie’s difficult choices and the hatred that the Nazis act upon through the layering of conflicts, Wiesel precisely shapes the themes of Hatred and Death. Sur vival Survival was displayed throughout the book, Night, through Elie and other Jews that accompanied him in the camps: Elie’s father, Shlomo, was constantly abused along with Elie, Elie was not going to take any blows for no one, not even his father, â€Å"he slapped my father with such force that he fell down (†¦) his place on all fours. I stood petrified (Wiesel 39)†.This quote displays imagery in the profound force of this SS officer brutally slapping Shlomo as Elie stood terrified and aghast at the thought that if he were to step in to protect his father he would surely get the same beating as his father. Elie loved his father dearly but he was afraid,†my body was afraid of another blow this time to my head (Wiesel III). †Elie’s diction clarifies â€Å"my body was afraid†as a connoted meaning of his body feeling a gaping hole as if he was falling off the earth. Elie would not move to save his father after his father’s last words were his name being summoned.Elie feared another blow for he was also weak like his father. Survival was conveyed through the test of how Elie refused to protect his father from the constant blows. Perseverance and dignity in the face of human cruelty Perseverance and dignity in the face of human cruelty conveys sympathy that the Nazis and SS officer s had for the Jews although they continued to commit this genocide. The little advice and encouragement were quite helpful in keeping the Jews weight up, â€Å"Don’t lose hope: (†¦) muster your strength and keep your faith (Wiesel 41). The comment the young Pole, who was in charge of Elie’s block, displayed an indirect characterization as a caring and supportive Pole who despite what he has to do, feel the pain the Jews are experiencing. Although that comment supported and encouraged the Jews, he had to continue his cruelty and harshness towards them. Some Nazis could not handle the hanging of young Jews, †Å"This time, the LagerKapo refused to act as executioner (Wiesel 64)†. The executioner also displays indirect characterization with the pain he feels in hanging a young Jew.The executioner presents a sympathetic character as he refuses to hang the young Jew as if he feels as if it were his son as well. He had one act of sympathy of hanging this young Jew but was unable to keep him alive for the young Jew still must be hanged. The Nazis kind heart and encouraging words were quite helpful and supportive in a way but could not assist the Jews in their escape to freedom. Faith Loss of faith became a huge problem for the Jews for they felt that instead of helping them through life they felt as if it was killing them. Elie verhears other Jews praying to God but refuses, â€Å"I felt anger rising within me. Why should I sanctify this name? The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the universe, chose to be silent (Wiesel 33). †The syntax Elie conveys demonstrates the h atred he feels for God and how God does not save the Jews from their morbid lives. Elie believes that if God is who those Jews say they are, then he should have protected them from the Nazis so that they will not be near death in a German camp. Elie did not bother to bless god at all, â€Å"Why, but why would I bless him? Every fiber in me rebelled. Wiesel 67)†The dialogue suggests the disbelief in his voice for God and the sacrilege he has for God. Elie would not pray for the Almighty who did not bother to save them from their deaths that behold in the crematory. Faith was conveyed through the text due to the lack of faith that the Jews acquired during their moments of death, doubt and anger. Hatred Hatred occurred throughout the entire text. How the Nazis began to transport all the Jews to the German camps were the commencement to the Jews death. The Nazis lined the Jews in the torrid heat including children, â€Å"the heat was oppressive.Sweat streamed from peopleâ€℠¢s faces and bodies. Children were crying for water (Wiesel 16). †The diction â€Å"oppressive†suggests the heat was tyrannical. The Jews have never experienced such heat and thirst that it became something they desired for as they awaited to be counted. The children Jews were suffering the hatred of the world as the Nazis would not allow them to get even a sip of water. When the Jews were being evacuated to Gleiwitz in the frigid cold with light clothes, the Nazis yelled at the Jews to force them to go faster or get shot, â€Å"Faster, you tramps, you flea-ridden dogs! Wiesel 85)†The words â€Å"tramps†and â€Å"flea-ridden dogs†were considerable diction that implies the denoted meaning of dirty or detestable displaying the disrespect the Nazis give to the Jews. The Nazis show no sympathy for the Jews as they force them to run in the icy cold hanging on to dear life. They display no care for their well-being. Hatred was conveyed through the har sh torture and comments that the Nazis exhibited to the Jews. Loss of Innocence Loss of innocence occurred through the German camps the Jews were inhabited in. Elie was astonished of the situation he was among that he had to dream f a better place hoping where he was, was just a dream. â€Å"Soon I would wake up with a start, my heart pounding, and find that I was back in the room of my childhood with my books (Wiesel 32). †The syntax articulates the diction â€Å"my childhood†was quite significant for Elie was still a child in his childhood. Elie was frightened and speechless to the things that occurred that the world kept quiet about. Elie just wanted to be back home to his family where everything was a normal life for a child for what behold him felt as if his childhood were taking in front of his eyes.In the camps they took away their childhood forcing some children into young prostitutes, â€Å"in his â€Å"service†was a young boy, a pipel as they were called. This one had a delicate and beautiful face â€â€- an incredible sight in this camp. In Buna, the pipel were hated; they often displayed greater cruelty than their elders (Wiesel 63). †The author’s style using quotations for â€Å"service†implies a more connoted meaning rather than a denoted meaning. The author’s style with the usage of a hyphen displays the inarticulate words of describing how admirable young pipel was among the camp.The young boy does not know that what he is doing is wrong. The pipel is in a â€Å"service†that commanders would sexually abuse him as he abuses is inmates non-sexually just cruelty. Loss of innocence was conveyed due to the fact that the German camps took their childhood and replaced it with a life that they would never do if they were not captive. Death Multiple Jews like Elie felt death surround them at every turn. When the Jews had to run through the torrid cold to another camp Zalman, a young Poland boy could no longer endure the cold no more that he had a dysentery problem and was trampled as he lowered his pants and fell to the ground.Elie felt as if his time were near as well as Zalman’s â€Å"Death enveloped me, it suffocated me. It stuck to me like glue. I felt I could touch it (Wiesel 86). †Elie felt that just one mistake would lead to his death. Elie feared dying. When they arrived to an abandoned village where Shlomo, Elie’s father, felt as if his time had ended now. Shlomo gave up and wanted to sleep even though it would lead to his death. Elie tried to encourage his father but he said, â€Å"I knew that I was no longer arguing with him (Sholomo) but with death itself, with dealt he (Shlomo) had already chosen (Wiesel 105). The dialogue displays an image of Shlomo’s pale face looking upon his son rebelling to move just to save his life. Throughout the multitude of camps Elie felt as if he lived by chance dodging and surviving through the f eeling of death and commit of suicide. Night Night displays such descriptive detail in the life the Jews inhabited in the cruel cramps of the Germans. They were constantly working growing weak each and every day through the cold harsh weather with light clothes, â€Å"The days resembled the nights, and the night left in our souls the dregs of their darkness (Wiesel 100)†.The denoted meaning of â€Å"dregs†suggests the literal meaning of least valuable part of anything declaring that the Jews souls that they once had had faded as the nights devoured their strength, faith and along with their humanity. How the days resembled the nights envelops the central theme, hatred. The Nazis harsh and cruel ways in the day felt to the Jews as if it flowed to the night as well, as they were uniformly beaten repeatedly. Let alone, the cruel journey in the cold temperate weather for nearly twelve hours was quite grim as they were evacuated to a different camp, â€Å"I moved like a s leepwalker (Wiesel 87)†.All the Jews that slowed down, tripped, or even stopped running were immediately trampled or even shot if they made it out of the crowd without being trampled. Hatred was conveyed through the simile Elie uses in the quote and how Elie’s feeling of being a sleepwalker indicates that he was exhausted and that Elie was literally hanging on for his life. The abstract meaning for night would be the deaths that overshadowed the nights and resembled the days. Fire Fire helps convey hatred as the central theme in the novel, Night.The first light of fire the Jews saw were the train ride to the German camp when they saw â€Å"the train disappeared†and â€Å"all that was left was thick, dirty smoke (Wiesel 6). †They had said the train was headed to burning fiery place ahead that lead to the death of some Jews. The symbol for this quote was Fire=Death because of the â€Å"smell of burning flesh (Wiesel 28). †Imagery was clarified conv eys hatred as the theme using fire as its symbol by parading the image of a dark train leading to a fiery, morbid smoke that had the vile smell of dead corpses of Jews and even baby Jews.The Nazis delivering a train towards a â€Å"thick, dirty smoke†inserted fear into the Jews as they tried to demolish all of â€Å"Jewish culture, Jewish religion, Jewish tradition, therefore Jewish memory (Wiesel viii)†with burning them alive. Judaism as a Culture & Tradition Judaism as a culture and traditions convey the central theme, hatred. The normal traditions and cultures the Jews conclude before they became captive to the Germans, were well respected â€Å"My mother was beginning to think it was high time to find an appropriate match for Hilda (Wiesel 8). Jews selected their matches for their daughters who are developing into a young woman. The diction â€Å"match†refers as the connoted meaning of a husband or a soul mate for Hilda to grow old with. To add, duri ng the German concentration camps the Jews still praised God as they celebrated Rosh Hashanah despite the trouble they are in â€Å"Rosh Hashanah had dominated my life. I knew that my sins grieved the almighty and so I pleaded for forgiveness†¦ I fully believed†¦ salvation of the world depended on every one of my deeds, on every one of my prayers (Wiesel 68). The Jews still kept their belief in God despite the feeling of losing God. This quote shows indirect characterization as Elie even though prayed to God, tended to lose faith rebelling against praying to him and questioning why should he pray. This reveals the symbol Traditions = Chores/Mandatory. Religious Ceremonies The Jews undergo religious ceremonies before they were inserted into camps and while they were in camps. The Jews contemplated whether to continue their religious ceremonies, such as Yom Kippur, for the sake of their health and well-being. Yom Kippur was dedicated to fasting, honoring The Day of Atonemen t.When the Jews were free it was alright to fast because it was for God and they had enough food that could last them the long days of fasting, but when they became captive Yom Kippur became a debate to whether proceed along with the fasting and starve themselves or not, â€Å"To fast could mean a more certain, more rapid death (Wiesel 69)†. The Jews felt that completing Yom Kippur could endanger their lives. The dialogue clarifies that although fasting is the Jewish tradition, their life is worth more than worshipping to a God who â€Å"chose to be silent (Wiesel 33)†.Equally important, The Passover is the celebration of Jews for God that the Bible commands the Jew to complete. Although the Jews never participated in the Passover during their time in the concentration camps, they felt as if they were pretending to enjoy or celebrate and rejoice God. â€Å"We wished the holiday would end so as not to have to pretend (Wiesel 10)†. The dialogue suggests the Jews f ocus were not on worshipping God but what foreshadows. The motif’s abstract meaning of religious ceremonies is the debate that Jews must take to whether the ceremonies would really benefit them or slowly push them towards their death.The Passover and Yom Kippur conveys Faith as the Jews debate whether to complete the religious ceremony or die trying. Significance of the Opening Scene Elie’s opening scene displayed memorable scenes. Elie began describing Moishe the Beadle and how his presence looked quite â€Å"awkward as a clown (Wiesel 13)†. The diction â€Å"jack –of- all trades†shows the connoted meaning that he was in fact known around Sighet. Elie’s opening scene displayed how the freedom of the Germans felt gratifying and memorable.Elie recites how they lived in luxury, â€Å"The Jewish community held him (Shlomo) in highest esteem (Wiesel 4)†and how they worshipped God without it feeling as if it was mandatory or a chore, â⠂¬Å"we would read, over and over again, the same page of the Zohat. Not to learn it by heart but to discover within the very essence of divinity (Wiesel 5). †Elie’s opening scene exploits the theme of loss of innocence. When the Germans disrupt the comfort and luxury of the Jews homes, â€Å"The time has come†¦.. you must leave all this (Wiesel 16). Explain how the Germans immediately took control over the Jews, although aware it was going to happen. This significant event/scene shapes the overall plot in what foreshadow ahead as the Jews began to board a train that lead to â€Å"thick, dirty smoke (Wiesel 6)†and had the â€Å"smell of burning flesh (Wiesel 28). †Significance of Closing Scene The significance of the closing scene was the comment Elie made that reminded him of his late father. Elie ended the scene with a comment of how his reflection reminded him of his lost father and how the image and the last words he has received from him will never be forgotten.Elie missed his father deep inside as he looked in the mirror and saw â€Å"a corpse was contemplating me (Wiesel 115). †This quote explains the theme of survival as Elie realizes although his father is gone he will never forget his face and the last words that will haunt him forever. This shapes the overall plot and feeling of omission that Elie could not save his father for just another week until they were liberated. Wiesel’s Memoir Wiesel’s style made a more visual image displaying the morbid and cruel ways the Nazis treated the Jews.Wiesel employs a first person point-of-view that enables the reader into the position and situation he endured through the silence the world kept from the Jews. How Wiesel employs his point-of-view effects the reader’s attention and interest. The reader begins to feel as if they are him and are experiencing this tragedy causing suspense in what will come next. Wiesel uses multiple metaphors and immense choice of words. During the concentration camp before being evacuated Elie was in an infirmary, for his foot had been affected by the cold weather.Elie encountered a â€Å"faceless neighbor (Wiesel80)†who gave up on his faith in God and stated, â€Å"I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promise, all his promises, to the Jewish people (Wiesel 81)†. This statement states a metaphor, in which Elie uses quite often, to state that Hitler is God and that this sick man has completely lost faith in God. Also during the hanging of the young pipel who was hung for holding ammunition was between life and death as he gasped for air ,†His tongue was still red, his eyes not yet extinguished (Wiesel 65)†.The diction â€Å"extinguished†gives credit to the fire that has not yet been exterminated resulting a denoted meaning of his body being a fire and his eyes have not yet been dismayed. Important Character #1: Shlomo (Elieâ€℠¢s Father) Shlomo played a significant role in Night. Sholomo was the reason Elie strived to stay alive. Elie felt as if â€Å"I was his sole support (Wiesel87)†. The direct characterization of Elie shows how caring and supportive he is of his father. Elie’s comment displays the role that he will support and care for his father’s health until the day he dies.Elie’s father before captive was â€Å"a cultured leader, rather unsentimental (Wiesel 4)†. Although Shlomo â€Å"rarely displayed his feelings (Wiesel 4)†the moment he cried to Elie signified the breakdown that Shlomo had in the camp meant it was time for Elie to step up and become a man and support his father for he was becoming weak and ill. If Shlomo were to have not survived as long as he did Elie would have committed suicide and never to be able to tell the story of his dreadful nights in the German camps. Important Character #2: Moishe the Beadle Moishe the Beadle was Elieâ€℠¢s mentor that was mentioned in the beginning of the novel.Moishe was considered â€Å"the poorest of the poor of Sighet (Wiesel 5)†. Moishe was quite awkward but had dreamy eyes that would be†gazing off into the distance (Wiesel 3)†. Elie’s novel, Night, provided indirect characterization of Moishe as he described Moishe heavenly, shy and religious. Moishe led Elie to understanding his religion. Moishe warned the Jews of the Nazis before they came to take all the Jews captive. Moishe’s importance throughout the novel was foreshadowing the events that would soon lead to the deaths of many Jews. Moishe gave Elie the belief of God and why to pray and believe n God.Moishe mentored Elie in entering eternity and finding God. Alternate Title #1 Unforgotten Deaths explain the overall reason to why Elie written Night. Elie stated in his speech how â€Å"the world did know and remained silent (Wiesel 118)†of these tragic deaths of Jews they pleaded t o forget. The constant blows, â€Å"they began to strike at us left and right shouting (Wiesel 28)†were tormenting. The starvation and torture they hidden foreshadowed the deaths of Jews that the world kept silent about. The pure hatred the Nazis displayed upon the Jews, â€Å"Faster, you tramps, you flea-ridden dogs! Wiesel 85)†were abusive and careless of how the Jews felt. The Germans were deceitful and tried to trick the Russians into thinking they were treating the Jews with respect, â€Å"Let them know that here lived men and not pigs (Wiesel 84)†. This diction and syntax demonstrates the tone the Germans wanted to display to the Russians that they are quite caring of Jew although they burned them alive. Unforgotten Deaths is a fit title for this novel because of the reason Elie believes he survived â€Å"nothing more than a chance (Wiesel viii)†. Alternate Title #2 The Loss of Faith and Jews through the silent death camps fit Night isplaying how the Jews fought for life and death through the demolishments of their memory. The Jews were hanged and burned alive, â€Å"You will burn! Burned to a cinder! Turned into ashes! (Wiesel 31) and â€Å"the hangman put the rope around his neck (Wiesel 62)†. Through the multiple deaths the Jews encountered, the loss of faith increased. They began to question, â€Å"For God’s sake, where is God? (Wiesel 65)†and when they felt as if there was no God they then â€Å"Have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else (Wiesel 81)†. The deaths in German were kept quiet and the Jews that were killed had lost faith in God.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3
Management - Essay Example In addition, managers may utilize various motivation techniques to ensure that employees’ efforts are directed towards achieving the set targets. Among the techniques employed include: compensations packages, salary increments, job promotion to mention just but a few. However, it is important to note that some employees may not be motivated using money but rather by how managers speaks and encourages them to continue performing exceptionally. In order to do these Managers should also have some special. Those skills include but not limited to; technical skills, communication, problems solving skills just to mention but a few (Adizes, 2004). In addition, managers have a role to play when executing managerial decision. Among the roles played by managers are; decisional role, information and interpersonal role. Decision role entails the responsibility of initiating and implementing change. On the other hand, decision role entails determining what actions are to be undertaken to so lve organisation problems. Information role entails providing seeking information and providing employees and all stake holders with necessary information to ensure that there is a seamless operation within an organisation. Finally, interpersonal role involves linking organisation with the outside world whereby, manager plays the role of representing the organisation outside. This means that he act as a figurehead of the entire organisation. However, the performance and execution of the above roles depend substantially on the styles of management employed. There are two common management styles that are used to manage organisation are further broken down into other smaller styles. The two styles include; autocratic and pessimistic management styles. Autocratic management style is a managerial style where all decisions are made by a single managers and no other party is allowed to participate in the decision making process. On the contrary, Pessimistic style involves a management sty le where lower levels employees are given an opportunity by the managers to participate in the decision making process .This style involves a participatory style of leadership (Adizes, 2004).. Therefore, this study aims to compare managerial style employed by Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver COMPARE THE MANAGEMENT STYLE OF GORDON RAMSAY AND JAMIE OLIVER Gordon Ramsay management style Gordon Ramsey has been reported to be one of the most successful managers in the hotel management industry due to his unique capabilities and tough approaches in dealing with employees. He was born on November 1966 in Scotland as a second born in a family of four children’s. He was educated at North Oxfordshire Technical College where he took a career in Hotel management. However, prior joining culinary art, Gordon Ramsey used to be a footballer though his life in football was quite difficult due to numerous injuries he succumbed in. Despite numerous challenges as a footballer and as professional C hef, Gordon Ramsay completed his education successfully and was offered a job at Wroxton House Hotel where he worked as a chef before returning back to London. In the year 1993 he got a job in London as a head Chef at La Tante Claire, he continued to perform exceptionally in this restaurant and managed to win numerous awards. Thereafter, he developed difference with the restaurant owner and moved out to open his first restaurant named after him. In 1998 his first was named as the best restaurant in the
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